Scripts: Apply Template


Apply Template:

This very simple script to apply same template to all charts opened at the moment.

After running

Author: Janderson FFerreira


do you have SAME SCRIPT for MT4 ?


do you have SAME SCRIPT for MT4 ?

Delete this string

#include  <Charts\Chart.mqh>;

and rename mq5-file to mq4.

i get abnormal termination error message so often. how can i solve it? i think i get this problem when i change the timeframe.
sir can you please add excluded symbol pairs. for example i wanted to change template the symbol open in my chart but i need to exclude some. can you please additional into this please in mt4


How can I auto get templates name and apply the all the chart like.
when load any of the templates after apply all the chart no need to specify then templates name. is auto get name based on which template I load..

hello, how to change this code to add template to current chart not all charts?
Can you expand it to mini charts? Please