How to add a bitmap to EA



can someone help me how to insert a bitmap to my EA ? 

i tried the manual of MQL5 and i didnt secsussed 

for example

i want to add the defult bitmap of dollat from folder \\Images\\dollar.bmp" to middle of the chart 

how can i do it ? 

Netanel Tanami :


Documentation on MQL5: Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Objects Constants / Object Types / OBJ_BUTTON
Documentation on MQL5: Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Objects Constants / Object Types / OBJ_BUTTON
OBJ_BUTTON - Object Types - Objects Constants - Constants, Enumerations and Structures - MQL5 Reference - Reference on algorithmic/automated trading language for MetaTrader 5
can i upload a png file and not a bitmap? i need to upload a image without backround 
Netanel Tanami :
can i upload a png file and not a bitmap? i need to upload a image without backround 

It is necessary to use a special * .bmp format in which there is no background (this is not a usual * .bmp, but a special one).

Netanel Tanami:


can someone help me how to insert a bitmap to my EA ? 

i tried the manual of MQL5 and i didnt secsussed 

for example

i want to add the defult bitmap of dollat from folder \\Images\\dollar.bmp" to middle of the chart 

how can i do it ? 

//// add this on top on your code
#resource "\\Images\\dollar.bmp"
string  imgaddress= "::Images\\dollar.bmp";

and use this function to draw image on your chart

bool AddBitmapOnChart(const long            chart_ID=0,               // chart's ID
                      const string          name="Button",            // button name
                      const string          filename="",
                      const datetime        time=0,                   // Time 1
                      const double          price=0,                  // Price 1
                      const string          text="Box lable",         // text
                      const string          font="Arial",             // font
                      const int             font_size=10,             // font size
                      const color           clr=clrBlack,             // text color
                      const bool            back=false,               // in the background
                      const bool            selection=false,          // highlight to move
                      const bool            hidden=true               // hidden in the object list


double chartHi = WindowPriceMax(0);
double chartLo = WindowPriceMin(0);
double midle   = chartHi - chartLo;

AddBitmapOnChart(0,"name",imgaddress,Time[20],midle,"TEXT on Image","Arial Black",8,clrWhite,false,false,true,"");