Have your private messages stopped making a ding sound, or is it just me?


I am using Google Chrome and lately (past few weeks), when a private message arrives, I don't hear that ding sound and I have to check for new messages every now and then.

Is it just me, or is it a common problem?

Eleni Anna Branou:

I am using Google Chrome and lately (past few weeks), when a private message arrives, I don't hear that ding sound and I have to check for new messages every now and then.

Is it just me, or is it a common problem?

Hi Eleni.

It happens from time to time and then works again normally. I have experienced this problem too.

Alexey Minkov:

Hi Eleni.

It happens from time to time and then works again normally. I have experienced this problem too.

Thank you Alexey, its a relief to know that it isn't only me.