New MetaTrader 5 Platform build 2875: Improvements and fixes - page 2

James Hodges:

Recompiled with the newest version and completely lost all of the 'extern' variables of the expert.
I do not want to use input constants because the default extern variables can be changed during the running of the expert through the onscreen interface.

Please return extern functionality.. 
Compile the file below with the 2875 compiler and see if you get the same results that I do.

Not sure about your issue, but extern are not the same in 5 as in 4.

externs do not show as input parameters. This is not a new thing in the latest build.


Still the same since a year now. Editor does not find local variables, I still have to type everything. Sample pic should autofill with "value". 

Also regarding the dynamic "ptr"-object. I deal a lot with pointers, and always have to open the file, find the definition manually, type it all manually, check all the params manually. Extreme waste of time due to a bug which is known since a very long time


And still the same extreme duration until the debugger starts - without any optimzations!:

Older builds before 2860 need <3 seconds. What exactly has been fixed here? 

On top, many customers reported crashes when using EA and indicators the same time. Since the whole day we try to figure out again by what this can be caused. Last week we spend days to figure out about the new behavior or ChartRedraw(), which wasn´t described anywhere, and this week starts the same: Searching for reasons of issues because there is no clear description for developers.  

Hi Guys, 

there is a HUGE PROBLEM with MT5 CHARTS, I cant believe they havent fixed it. MT5 offers SCALING OPTIONS but they dont work. The SCALE POINTS PER BAR is missing a an input box as per my picture (correct scaling boxes) . it doesnt allow for customization. Could anyone PLEASE fix this? it is extremely important for mt5, it's a new feature MT4 doesnt offer but it's wrong unfortunately...

here explanation:

Consider that there is a "Scale fix" setting, which if checked means that the Y-axis scaling is fixed.  You can pan around but the bars stay the same height.  The #pips shown in, say, an inch, is arbitrary, and varies by click-and-drag of the Y-axis scale.  In other words, the scale is not yet fixed, and this is ok, so far.

Next, consider that when you click on "Scale fix one to one", that it ALSO force selects the "Scale fix" at the same time.   This is fine, and I expect it to occur.  My scale is truly "fixed", and it is "one to one".   Both checkboxes make sense together.

However, in MT5, the "one to one" is 1 point(=1pipette) to 1 bar.   With typical H1 forex charts, this is a useless scale, zoomed-in far too close!!   In MT4, however, it is interpreted as 1-true-pip(=10pipettes) to 1 bar.   This is usually a good scale!

Now, consider that MT5 has a new "Scale points per bar" checkbox, BUT THIS IS BUGGY AND USELESS AS IMPLEMENTED!

I truly want a fixed scale, but I don't prefer the one(point)-to-one(bar) scale, rather I want a custom scale.

I should be able to enter "10" for "Points per bar", and it ought to then mean that a 45-degree line drawn on the chart will therefore be 10points up, in the span on 1 bar.   Or same slope, 100 points in 10 bars.

BUG #1:  Why does it turn off "Scale fix"??   I still want a "Scale fix" on!  I'm merely choosing a custom scale, different from the "one to one" choice.  

BUG #2:  The height of my chart window *should not* matter!    If I drag it taller, I should simply see a larger portion of the Y-axis prices.  The scale is supposed to be "10 Points per bar", always, regardless of chart height, yet it is obviously changing the scale as I change height.

BUG #3:  The scaling is simply wrong!   Suppose I use "10", then draw a trendline 100 pipettes rise in 10 bars.  It should be exactly a 45-degree line, but it's not!   The angle of the line varies, depending on the vertical height of my chart window.      (MT4 and MT5 work fine for the one-to-one scale.  MT5 is broken for the new custom Points per bar scaling!).

In other words, when I enter my custom value of 10 for Points per bar, then I should be able to draw a 45 degree line anywhere on the chart, whether zoomed-in close, or zoomed-out, and know that the slope of that 45-degree line is always 10pipettes/bar.   This isn't working properly.   Please fix MT5!!

Documentation on MQL5: Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Chart Constants / Chart Properties
Documentation on MQL5: Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Chart Constants / Chart Properties
Chart Properties - Chart Constants - Constants, Enumerations and Structures - MQL5 Reference - Reference on algorithmic/automated trading language for MetaTrader 5
Doerk Hilger:

Dear Metaquotes - why don´t u guys create

a REAL list with changes!

instead of hiding always so many things? Sometimes this costs even WEEKS to figure out which changes have been really made. We are not users, we are developers and we ALL need a lot more of detailed informations!

it's the same with mt5 developers since forever,
it's like they don't give a **** about you
and moreover, they don't seem to use their own platform for research or even trading.
Think about it,
if you were part of that team, and they are all traders and researchers, or at least do these activities once in a while,
it would be impossible to not encounter all these issues people are saying about for years
they are just programmers,
but even in this case, they should've made mqleditor and mql5 language very reliable.
In my experience, reliability of mql5 compiler and editor are the worst, compared with all other IDE's and programming languages I did

It seems to go along with russian politics everywhere, even in software creation,
they say one thing, and do another
or they don't say a thing, but they do it,

it's the same with these guys since i use metatrader, they have other priorities than interacting with users
(that's why they destroyed the contact with developers, now you can contact them only for virtual servers)
they want to use you and get your money, but they don't want to listen to you
Florin Ionesko:
It seems to go along with russian politics everywhere, even in software creation,
they say one thing, and do another
or they don't say a thing, but they do it,

Sorry, but I can´t agree here. I know many russians in person, made business with russians and my experience is the absolute opposite. Russians are extremely reliable, even more than the most germans are.

But, yes, the politics of MetaQuotes in view of developers is "special" and makes me feel pretty insecure from time to time. 



Since the last release, the optimising is becoming extremely slow and sucks all the memory of my computer.

Please solve this issue !! 


Doerk Hilger:

Sorry, but I can´t agree here. I know many russians in person, made business with russians and my experience is the absolute opposite. Russians are extremely reliable, even more than the most germans are.

But, yes, the politics of MetaQuotes in view of developers is "special" and makes me feel pretty insecure from time to time. 

I said russian politics :P
Not russian people, not russian honest people or business people.
about which I agree, they are fine people.

Each time I program in mql5 and i encounter a bug, around 35-40% chances is about mql5 compiler issues.
The initial strategy was faulty as I see it.
To create a new compiler without even being really capable to do it properly.
Ctrader, multicharts, and others, they based their programming on strong programming languages, c#, and they didn't mess with creating a new compiler.

But, whatever.

If the build 2882 is what we are going to "expect" then it is not going to be a joy. Code that executes on 10.000 bars in less than 1 millisecond, when displayed in visual mode profiler, is ... ridiculous at the least what it does (speed wise)

What used to work perfectly (many builds ago though ...) is slowly getting drowned