Discussion of article "How to Prepare a Trading Account for Migration to Virtual Hosting" - page 5

 if I want to subscribe more than one signal from different brokers account should I rent VPS on each broker account or one VPS is enough to launch all signals subscribtion? 
From all I have read, clearly, this is way better than the reguler vps service we know.
Quick question: Should I re-enable the signal on local terminal after sync it to the virtual terminal or leave it disabled? Thanks.
Quick question: Should I re-enable the signal on local terminal after sync it to the virtual terminal or leave it disabled? Thanks.
Leave it disabled. Your subscription moved to the signal hosting. After migration you can shut down your PC.

Hi there !


I currently subscribed to a signal provider and tried the "1440 min free evaluation period" of a Virtual Hosting Server. That was Friday.

Now (Monday), I see that the menu for renting a Virtual Server from the MetaTrader 4 menu is inactive (grayed), and the timer freezed at 4 minutes left of evaluation period.

So I can't select any of the options ... somebody has any idea how to fix this issue ?

 Virtual server - freeze at 4 min


How else can we monitor the activity on MQL5 VPS excepting MT4? 
If someone could help with stamatescuvm's problem that would be awesome as I am having the same issue. Thanks!

I have a question

Virtual Hosting should be used only for one account ?


I have a question

Virtual Hosting should be used only for one account ?

Yes, One virtual account for every broker account

@Filter do you have any idea on my question above ? ... I still have the same issue and unfortunately I have to keep my PC opened all the time.
