Unable to Use my own LAN Strategy Tester Agents - Firewalls off, NetDisc on...


Short Version Question - please help! : I cannot see (on scan) my LAN strategy testers (on my other computers) despite enabling network discovery and disabling firewalls.
What else is there to try?

My earlier, longer description:
I can't believe I can't find a solution to this, so maybe I have something quirky... I have looked through the forum!

I have three PCs all running MT5 and I have setup strategy testing agents and have even had some credit on my MQL5 account.
I just can't get them to work with my own LAN farm!

When I scan (from any of the three computers) I can only see the local ( agents, none from the other two systems.
Adding them manually doesn't work either - it adds an entry but it lacks details and certainly doesn't work.

I tried the following already...
Network discovery enabled...
Disabling (briefly) Windows firewall on all machines... (I don't have any others installed).
Configuring an inbound rule on my remote machine allowing C:\Program Files\MetaTrader\metatester64.exe via any protocol on any profile...

I don't think I have any exotic network / router setups...
Running on Win10, nothing exotic there either, no Hyper-V installation (that I hear causes problems) to my knowledge...
Am I missing something obvious?

Thanks, Martyn

I am not fully sure but it may be some limitations about it.
Check the first/starting post of this thread: https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/13542
All (not yet) about Strategy Tester, Optimization and Cloud
All (not yet) about Strategy Tester, Optimization and Cloud
  • 2013.08.20
  • www.mql5.com
General: All (not yet) about Strategy Tester, Optimization and Cloud
Sergey Golubev:
I am not fully sure but it may be some limitations about it.
Check the first/starting post of this thread: https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/13542

Thanks Sergey, but I'm not sure I see what you mean...

... - that post doesn't seem to relate to using the LAN 'farm' of strategy testing agents, at least not anything specific to my issue.
I have had it working for cloud service, it's just the LAN farm I am finding impossible to configure.

Forgive me if I'm lost though?

I had a look at this similar post, but there isn't really a solution there either - https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/7328

When I scan, I don't see empty lists. I see the agents from the localhost, but I do NOT see the other agents...
 - same on all 3 systems... they see their own agents only, even with all firewalls disabled.

I shouldn't need to do any router work - they share a LAN and can see each other for other services / PING each other fine.

Why cant I see my Agents on my LAN
Why cant I see my Agents on my LAN
  • 2012.08.03
  • www.mql5.com
Hello to all, I have several computers on my local LAN and they are all a part of the Metaquotes Cloud and when I go to my profile here on MQL5 I s...

Short Version Question - please help! : I cannot see (on scan) my LAN strategy testers (on my other computers) despite enabling network discovery and disabling firewalls.
What else is there to try?


Can anyone help??
It's not because I'm using portable installations is it?
My LAN config isn't the problem is it (10.0.0.X vs. etc.)?
I assume the default password doesn't require changing? - I did try once anyway...




Can anyone help??
It's not because I'm using portable installations is it?
My LAN config isn't the problem is it (10.0.0.X vs. etc.)?
I assume the default password doesn't require changing? - I did try once anyway...



Update - Tried a non-portable install, no different.

@mlbarnes Did you ever figure out the issue? my problem sounds the same..
  • 2021.03.22
  • www.mql5.com
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