Display stock market


Hi sorry but I'm really in the beginning ... I can't see the stock market but only currency exchange.

Depends on the server where I am connected or wrong? Thank you

The symbols are depends on the brokers: one broker is proposing the stocks for trading, the other brokers - not.

Sergey Golubev:
The symbols are depends on the brokers: one broker is proposing the stocks for trading, the other brokers - not.

Thank you for your reply, now my job is to find a broker that allows me to play with actions ;)
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Hi sorry but I'm really in the beginning ... I can't see the stock market but only currency exchange.

Depends on the server where I am connected or wrong? Thank you

Every symbol that your broker makes available, will exist under menu View -> Symbols. 

Many of them are not "activated" by default, but you can activate it, if you find it on the Symbol list. 


(double click it, to make it active [yellow] )


If it is not there, than you need to find another broker which has it.