Which standard indicator can be profitable independently?

share your experience from your practise only :) without any combinations with other indicators, just one standard indicator that comes with MT4/5 not any other indicators!

Discussion is only allowed about Standard indicators that come with MT?, indicators in the codebase or any other indicators with the source code attached.

Any person that uses this topic to promote commercial products can expect to have their posts removed and also to be banned from the forum.

Keith Watford:

Discussion is only allowed about Standard indicators that come with MT?, indicators in the codebase or any other indicators with the source code attached.

Any person that uses this topic to promote commercial products can expect to have their posts removed and also to be banned from the forum.

Hello, yes only standard indicators that come with MT4 or MT5 :) is not it alowed?

if it is not alowed than I will Delete topic or you delete it if you are admin :) I am not planing to promote anything. topic is about Standard indicators that come with MT4/5

Davit Beridze:

Hello, yes only standard indicators that come with MT4 or MT5 :) is not it alowed?

if it is not alowed than I will Delete topic or you delete it if you are admin :) I am not planing to promote anything. topic is about Standard indicators that come with MT4/5

Read my post carefully, you have misunderstood.