Using "Favorites" as a social media building component


1. Is there a way that through a minute board code change we could not only add forum threads to our favorites but also articles or pieces of documentary that we find interesting.

2. Maybe if we think it a little further could forum members be given the possibility to manage their favorites into topic lists and put them on display so that people can see what other people read. Like give this whole MQL thing a more social media peer review thing. Has that ever been discussed?

For example if a person likes to display their favorite topics everybody can see them so we know where they get their ideas from, meaning we can discuss the article and don't have to find a common denominator first. Then I can say ah this is your topic and ask for advice. Of course it should be voluntary. It could go so far as to say "Okay here are my topics and these are the points that I don't understand, I would like to lear more, maybe you know this and you can help me." This would help with forum business also because  we wouldn't have to write everything explicitely in a thread.

How can I ask administrators for this?