Please, I want help. I subscribed to the VPS service and when I want to migrate the expert advisor, this message appears :
migration to virtual hosting faild: dlls are not allowede.
xpert.ex4 use kernel32.dll please remove the expert from your chart and migrate again.
Please, I want help. To run this expert advisor on VPS that requires a DLLs. thanks
EAs that require DLL, will not work on MQL5 VPS. i need help to fix an error of ' undeclared identifier some expression expected '
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| matingale.mq5 | //| Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Software Corp. | //| | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ #property copyright "Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Software Corp." #property link "" #property version "1.0" #property description "Periodic Range Breakout" #property script_show_inputs true #define ATR_BUFFER 2 input ENUM_DAY_OF_WEEK inDay = MONDAY; //Day of Week enum ENUM_HOUR { H00 = 0, H01, H02, H03, H04, H05, H06, H07, H08, H09, H10, H11, H12, H13, H14, H15, H16, H17, H18, H19, H20, H21, H22, H23 }; input double inPerPrice = 1; //Price Percentage (0.3%-3%) input double inPerATR = 100; //ATR Percentage (10%-200%) input double inPerProfit = 100; //Take Profit Percentage (10%-200%) input double inPerLoss = 100; //Stop Loss Percentage (10%-200%) input double inLot = 0.1; //Lot //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Expert initialization function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int OnInit() { //--- CheckInputs(); // this is where the error i guess is coming from. when i try to declared it it said some expression expected. please help SetVolume(); if(!Initialization()) { return(INIT_FAILED); } return(INIT_SUCCEEDED); } enum ENUM_PHASE { STANDBY, SETUP, TRADE }; ENUM_DAY_OF_WEEK Day; ENUM_HOUR Hour; ENUM_PHASE Phase; MqlTradeRequest tReq; MqlTradeResult tRes; MqlDateTime dtCurrent; double perPrice; double perATR; double perProfit; double perLoss; double Range; double Profit; double Loss; double cumLoss; //cumulative loss double comLoss; //loss compensation double pCurAsk; double pCurBid; double pCenter; double pHighStop; double pLowStop; double pHighProfit; double pLowProfit; double pHighLoss; double pLowLoss; double Lot; double arrayATR[]; ulong orderTicket; uint countSetup = 0; int handleATR = 0; int kLot = 1; bool isSet = false; bool doCalc = false; bool tradeOpen = false; void OnDeinit(const int reason) { } void OnTick() { pCurAsk = SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol, SYMBOL_ASK); pCurBid = SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol, SYMBOL_BID); if(Phase == STANDBY) { ZeroMemory(dtCurrent); TimeToStruct(TimeCurrent(), dtCurrent); if(isSet == false && dtCurrent.day_of_week == Day && dtCurrent.hour == (Hour + 1)) { pCenter = iClose(_Symbol, PERIOD_H1, 1); Martingale(); Calculate(); isSet = true; DrawVLine("Start_" + (string)countSetup, clrAqua, STYLE_DOT, TimeCurrent()); countSetup++; Phase = SETUP; return; } } if(Phase == SETUP) { if(pCurAsk > pHighStop && tradeOpen == false) { if(AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_MARGIN_FREE) < (1000 * Lot)) { Alert("We have no money. Free Margin = ", AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_MARGIN_FREE)); return; } if(OpenBuy()) { Alert("INFO: buy order opened. "); Phase = TRADE; } else { Alert("ERROR: buy order cannot be opened. "); return; } } if(pCurBid < pLowStop && tradeOpen == false) { if(AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_MARGIN_FREE) < (1000 * Lot)) { Alert("We have no money. Free Margin = ", AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_MARGIN_FREE)); return;; } if(OpenSell()) { Alert("INFO: sell order opened. "); Phase = TRADE; } else { Alert("ERROR: sell order cannot be opened. "); return; } } } if(Phase == TRADE) { if(tradeOpen && !PositionSelectByTicket(orderTicket)) { tradeOpen = false; if(!Initialization()) { Alert("ERROR: expert refresh failed."); ExpertRemove(); return; } } } } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Expert deinitialization function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Expert tick function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool Initialization() { Phase = STANDBY; isSet = false; handleATR = iATR(_Symbol, PERIOD_D1, 20); if(handleATR == INVALID_HANDLE) { Alert("ERROR: unable to get handle for atr."); return(false); } return(true); } void SetVolume() { double volMin = SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol, SYMBOL_VOLUME_MIN); double volMax = SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol, SYMBOL_VOLUME_MAX); double volStep = SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol, SYMBOL_VOLUME_STEP); int ratio = (int)MathRound(inLot / volStep); if(inLot < volMin) Lot = volMin; else if(inLot > volMax) Lot = volMax; else if(MathAbs(ratio * volStep - inLot) > 0.0000001) Lot = ratio * volStep; else Lot = inLot; } void Calculate() { if(CopyBuffer(handleATR, 0, 0, ATR_BUFFER, arrayATR) != ATR_BUFFER) { Alert("ERROR: unable to copy atr buffer. using price percentage instead."); Range = NormalizeDouble(pCurAsk * perPrice / 100, _Digits); } else { Range = NormalizeDouble(arrayATR[1] * perATR / 100, _Digits); } Profit = NormalizeDouble((Range * perProfit / 100), _Digits); Loss = NormalizeDouble(Range * perLoss / 100, _Digits); if(comLoss != 0) {Profit = comLoss; Loss += comLoss;} pHighStop = pCenter + Range; pHighProfit = pHighStop + Profit; pHighLoss = pHighStop - Loss; pLowStop = pCenter - Range; pLowProfit = pLowStop - Profit; pLowLoss = pLowStop + Loss; } void Martingale() { if(HistoryDealSelect(orderTicket + 1)) { if(HistoryDealGetDouble(orderTicket + 1, DEAL_PROFIT) < 0) { kLot *= 2; cumLoss += HistoryDealGetDouble(orderTicket + 1, DEAL_PROFIT); comLoss = MathAbs(NormalizeDouble(cumLoss * _Point * 10 / (kLot * SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol, SYMBOL_TRADE_TICK_VALUE)), _Digits)); } else { kLot = 1; cumLoss = 0; comLoss = 0; } } } bool OpenBuy() { ZeroMemory(tReq); ZeroMemory(tRes); tReq.symbol = _Symbol; tReq.volume = Lot * kLot; tReq.action = TRADE_ACTION_DEAL; tReq.deviation = 20; tReq.type = ORDER_TYPE_BUY; tReq.price = SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol, SYMBOL_ASK); = pHighProfit; = pHighLoss; if(!OrderSend(tReq, tRes)) return(false); tradeOpen = true; orderTicket = tRes.order; return(true); } bool OpenSell() { ZeroMemory(tReq); ZeroMemory(tRes); tReq.symbol = _Symbol; tReq.volume = Lot * kLot; tReq.action = TRADE_ACTION_DEAL; tReq.deviation = 20; tReq.type = ORDER_TYPE_SELL; tReq.price = SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol, SYMBOL_BID); = pLowProfit; = pLowLoss; if(!OrderSend(tReq, tRes)) return(false); tradeOpen = true; orderTicket = tRes.order; return(true); } void DrawVLine(string n, int c, int s, datetime x) { if(ObjectFind(0, n) == 0) ObjectDelete(0, n); ObjectCreate(0, n, OBJ_VLINE, 0, x, 0); ObjectSetInteger(0, n, OBJPROP_COLOR, c); ObjectSetInteger(0, n, OBJPROP_STYLE, s); }
please i need help to fix an error of ' undeclared identifier some expression expected '
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Please, I want help. I subscribed to the VPS service and when I want to migrate the expert advisor, this message appears :
migration to virtual hosting faild: dlls are not allowede.
xpert.ex4 use kernel32.dll please remove the expert from your chart and migrate again.
Please, I want help. To run this expert advisor on VPS that requires a DLLs. thanks