please let me know



I remember mql4 website use to allow us providing signals and charge followers even if the account was demo, but now the policy here is changed.

if you know any other website who allow providing signals from demo account please let me know. I need the information.


I don't think so

Because I didn't found any other site until now 

Thats sad
Maria Mahomedally:
Thats sad

Why is that?

Do you want to make money with something that you don't trust to put your own money in?

Eleni Anna Branou:

Why is that?

Do you want to make money with something that you don't trust to put your own money in?


Its not always about that. I trust my EA that I can put 1 million into it if I had that kind of money. Some signals requires big money to trade.
Maria Mahomedally:

Its not always about that. I trust my EA that I can put 1 million into it if I had that kind of money. Some signals requires big money to trade.

You can always start small and put some more money in later.

Maria Mahomedally:

if you know any other website who allow providing signals from demo account please let me know. I need the information.

Your proposal is not related to this mql5 portal ("any other websites" are not going to be discussed here sorry).

Please, -

  • turn your thread/content to more suitable for this mql5 portal;
  • this thread will be deleted sorry.