MT4 History Center has had broken history data for over 2 weeks


For the past 2 weeks the history data i download for EURUSD has been broken, this does often happen but is normally fixed the start of the week.  However it has not been fixed for weeks now.

I normally have to resort to deleting all downloaded history data and logs and a terminal restart, afteer which i redownload the history data at the beginning of the next week and it appears metaquotes have fixed whatever issue they are having, however this is a problem that has gone on for weeks now.

So, how to fix? 

Bump, do Metaqquotes staff read these questions?
Bump, do Metaqquotes staff read these questions?

Probably not.

There is no contact metaquotes option in mt4, yet it's their servers that are delivering history data, I know I can import data into mt4 and that is what I will have to do, but if don't really want to provide the data, why not release a fixed version with the history centre removed.
There is no contact metaquotes option in mt4, yet it's their servers that are delivering history data, I know I can import data into mt4 and that is what I will have to do, but if don't really want to provide the data, why not release a fixed version with the history centre removed.

Your data will come from your broker


No, when you use history center it says:

you are going to download data form the "Metaquotes Software Corp." history center

So no, the data downloaded into history center is downloaded from metaquotes

Live data is downloaded from my broker