Error on EA after migrating - page 2

Vinicius Santiago Tenente:

Hello, today when i made some changes in the setup of my EAs and migrated to VPS it stopped to works with the error 546, like image below:

I already tried to change the configuration back and got same error. I tried to change server on VPS, but still no success.

The EAs and VPS was running for more than 2 months without any problems, and no changes in the code were made.

Anyone can help me, please?



Just found another messages of error:

--------------Edit 2----------------------

Tried to update version of my local mt5 but still getting the same error:

did you save all old files before moving?
Dwi Sudarsono:
did you save all old files before moving?
What do you mean?


I am without the VPS service for more than half-day!!!!!!!

Anybody will solve this problem???

I've just been informed that it has been fixed. Now users must stop/start their instances to make them work.

I can confirm that it is fixed now, just stoped/started my vps and migrated the EAs again. Just notice that they made a new build 2781 that is running now on VPS, maybe to fix that. Now everything running smoothly:

But i still believe that the VPS team should have a way to be contacted in situation like this. As a paid service, it should have a support separately.

Vinicius Santiago Tenente:

But i still believe that the VPS team should have a way to be contacted in situation like this. As a paid service, it should have a support separately.

Moderators and the users reported to the service desk separatedly, and the service desk replied (made a post) on one thread (yes, they replied).

Sergey Golubev:

Moderators and the users reported to the service desk separatedly, and the service desk replied (made a post) on one thread (yes, they replied).

But when i was going to open a ticket they said that this question should be addressed to the forum. I didn't know that we can open tickets with service desk about VPS services. Anyway, thank you for getting in touch with them and solving our problem.
Vinicius Santiago Tenente:
But when i was going to open a ticket they said that this question should be addressed to the forum. I didn't know that we can open tickets with service desk about VPS services. Anyway, thank you for getting in touch with them and solving our problem.
Yes, all the possible technical issues are discussed on the forum (there were 2 threads in this English forum, and one thread in Russian forum; the service desk replied on one thread).
And the service desk is reading the threads/posts.
Besides, the moderators are having the rights to open the "informational ticket" on the service desk for example.