Displaying 2 separate indicators in same separate window

I'm finding that the Language Reference Manual (MQL5) is not much use to me – most often the thing I'm looking for is not in the index,and I don't really need to colour candles randomly or make my indicators change colour every 8 ticks. So I'm having trouble finding things out. Could anyone tell me please if it's possible to display 2 separate indicators in the same separate window? They both have the same limits (-1.2 to 1.2) and I would like to display them together for comparison purposes. There's sure to be at least a workaround for this, and as a learner, I'd be very grateful to anyone who can point me in the right direction.

If you want to do 2 and over indicators in 1 separate windows, edit *.tpl file. View chart standard templates and understand this.

  • if the problem is getting the indicator to a separate window use
    #property indicator_separate_window     // should place your indicator on a separate window
  • if you are looking to create the objects on the same separate window
    // Then Plot or create the objects in the same separate window
    ObjectCreate(chart_id, ... sub_window  );

Aleksandr Morozov:

If you want to do 2 and over indicators in 1 separate windows, edit *.tpl file. View chart standard templates and understand this.

Thank you Aleksandr.
  • if the problem is getting the indicator to a separate window use
  • if you are looking to create the objects on the same separate window

Trapheal – no, it's 2 basically independent indicator plots in same window (for comparison). I have #property indicator_separate_window in the code. I'll look into ObjectCreate, and thanks for your prompt reply.