How can I place a Limit price above the Stop Price (MetaTrader 5) ?



I'm surprised, it's not possible to set my limit price above my stop price, when using Buy Stop Limit. Usually, you anticipate that the price will go higher, so you put your Stop Price and then the Limit Price a few cents above, so that you don't have to buy at Market Price which, usually, will totally wreck you up. Is there a workaround or a way to do that? 


A Limit price is that price or better. You can never place a buy limit above the market — it would open immediately (market is better buy price).
William Roeder:
A Limit price is that price or better. You can never place a buy limit above the market — it would open immediately (market is better buy price).

Wrong. You can, and it will not immediately open. You do need a broker which allows you to place such an order.