I hope to add a dark mode to MetaTrader - page 3


ohh it look nice,

Please how did you do that?

Amine Abed #: I just invert the colors of the screen when MT4/MT5 is active!

I'm assuming you just used a 3rd party application like "Easy Window Invert" or was that the Invert function of the Windows Magnifier?

Easy Window Invert
Easy Window Invert
  • Super User
  • www.wintools.info
Easy Window Invert visually changes the display of windows. By using the software, you can significantly increase the user experience. It allows color-blind as well as visually impaired users to use the computer. You can use Easy Window Invert to create dark mode for software that does not have a dark mode. If there is an annoying contrast...
Yohana Parmi #:

ohh it look nice,

Please how did you do that?

It's an Autohotkey program (that I compiled) that inverts the colors of a screen or a portion of the screen. You can also use the Windows magnifier to invert the colors of the whole screen.
Fernando Carreiro #:

I'm assuming you just used a 3rd party application like "Easy Window Invert" or was that the Invert function of the Windows Magnifier?

It's an Autohotkey code. A gui that covers the screen. It inverts the colors of the screen or multiple screens or just part of the screen..
Fernando Carreiro #:

I'm assuming you just used a 3rd party application like "Easy Window Invert" or was that the Invert function of the Windows Magnifier?

Easy Window Invert seems good, not sure if it's safe though.
Amine Abed #: Easy Window Invert seems good, not sure if it's safe though.

Why is it not "safe"? It does the same thing as what you are doing but just in a more sophisticated way.

Anton Kondratev #:

Please make the MQL WEBSITE also night mode, the eyes are melting already!

Use FireFox and the  AddOn: Dark Background and Light Text

Fernando Carreiro #:

Why is it not "safe"? It does the same thing as what you are doing but just in a more sophisticated way.

I don't know what kind of codes that 3rd party software has... I have very little trust in free programs that are not open source.

I know all the codes of the program I am running since I am compiling it! I think It's safer.

Amine Abed #: I don't know what kind of codes that 3rd party software has... I have very little trust in free programs that are not open source. I know all the codes of the program I am running since I am compiling it! I think It's safer.

It's not a free program. You pay for it. It's just has a 30 day trial period.

EDIT: By the way, in that case don't use MetaTrader. It's free and you don't have access to the source code.😂

Fernando Carreiro #:

It's not a free program. You pay for it. It's just has a 30 day trial period.

EDIT: By the way, in that case don't use MetaTrader. It's free and you don't have access to the source code.😂

I would prefer to know the codes of the programs that I am running.

Comparing MetaQuotes software (a well known company) to a *not shady software (that no one knows) doesn't make sense to me! Just look at that website and you will see.