Free Demo can not be downloaded. Installation Failes


I can not download the free demo of my own product

Free Demo download is not available. 

It says "İnstallation Failed"

What is wrong about it. 

I dont know which unit to ask that.

Mehmet Cak:

I can not download the free demo of my own product

Free Demo download is not available. 

It says "İnstallation Failed"

What is wrong about it. 

I dont know which unit to ask that.

I confirm that the installation of your demo version fails.

Contact the Service Desk about this, choose any subject and write your issue.

I will also report it to Market admins.

Eleni Anna Branou:

I confirm that the installation of your demo version fails.

Contact the Service Desk about this, choose any subject and write your issue.

I will also report it to Market admins.

Service Desk says

Hello, We are only dealing with requests related to financial operations on All other questions/requests should be posted on the forum . Best regards, Support Team

I dont know where to find an answer. 

Mehmet Cak:

Service Desk says

Hello, We are only dealing with requests related to financial operations on All other questions/requests should be posted on the forum . Best regards, Support Team

I dont know where to find an answer. 

Me too, I have also reported this to Market admins, let's hope we hear from them.


You cannot embed products from the Market into your own products. They won't even start in a client's terminal, as all of them are bound to the PC from which they are purchased.

Your product has been removed from the Market.

I cannot download any demo, it says "installation is failed", help please.