MQL5 not freeing my fund 20 days after a developer couldnt code my robot


Good day,

I am a customer on this great platform. My user name is kingviny2017. On 12/12/2020, I placed a robot job order on freelance and I shortlisted a developer

whose name on this platform is <...>. He claimed to have been coding for 3 years and asked to be considered for the job which he claimed he can conclude in 3 days on a $35 budget. He promised to constantly update me till the job was concluded and so I gave him the job.

Low and behold, he went silent for 3 days. No communication, no draft! When he finally surfaced, he claimed network problem. When I asked for a draft robot, he sent me a file that could not run on strategy tester. When I reported this, he said it was working on his side. I told him I wanted to market this on MQL5 and I needed it to be able to work generally not selectively. That a well built robot should be able to work on all MT4. I tested it on 2 different brokers' platforms and it didn't work. No report was generated during strategy tester sessions.

After days of no reply again from him, he later surfaced and asked me to cancel the job. I have since done that but he is yet to confirm it from his side so that my funds can be freed

thereby delaying me from making progress. I need my funds freed asap so that I can give the job to another person.

<...> is an embarrassment to this platform. He has cost me a lot of money as the client who gave me this job has revoked other jobs he wanted to give me as I could not deliver on time 13 days after the job was commissioned.

I took the case to Arbitration for about 10 days now, no response . I wrote to Finance ( Start: 2020.12.25 08:56 , #2927522), what I later saw was a closed label yet no solution. 

I am getting frustrated with this service.

Please help and refund my money to my account asap.


Good day,


Please help and refund my money to my account asap.

The forum can not help in this situation.
Besides, this developer does not have any posts on the forum so seems you select him as your friend and it is your responsibility sorry (and it is your personal risk).

You can write to the service desk but do not expect quick reply please.

Sergey Golubev:

The forum can not help in this situation.
Besides, this developer does not have any posts on the forum so seems you select him as your friend and it is your responsibility sorry (and it is your personal risk).

You can write to the service desk but do not expect quick reply please.

I don't know him from Adam. I only saw him bid as a developer approved by MQL5. I feel there should be an automatic system to revert customer's money after certain days of no response from the developer.

MQl5 should be able to stand by we customers who bring in funds and jobs to this platform and they should have a way to verify those they showcase as Developers. Incompetent and irresponsible developers should not be showcased. 

I have written to service desk severally, no response.


I don't know him from Adam. I only saw him bid as a developer approved by MQL5. I feel there should be an automatic system to revert customer's money after certain days of no response from the developer.

MQl5 should be able to stand by we customers who bring in funds and jobs to this platform and they should have a way to verify those they showcase as Developers. Incompetent and irresponsible developers should not be showcased. 

I have written to service desk severally, no response.

If you do not know him so why did you select him as your developer and why did you send money to him?
It is very strange decision which you made with your money ...
Anyway - it was your choice .. there is Freelance rules for example:

We are the forum users and we can not help you here sorry.

Rules of Using the Freelance Service
Rules of Using the Freelance Service
Rules of Using the Freelance Service: general provisions, execution of orders, payments,

I am posting this suggestion all the time on the forum. It is related to the Signals, the Market, and to the Freelance as well - 

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies


Sergey Golubev, 2020.01.16 06:35

There is one rule which some people follow:
subscribe to the signal or create an order in Freelance or purchase the product from the user/seller/coder/provider you know in person or you know by activity on the forum.

Because if you purchased something so I may ask:
"Do you know the seller in person, or you are familiar with him on this forum?"
If you say: "Not" so it will be very strange case for me ...

Just my optinion.


There are a lot of professional and honest users/coders on the forum, and some of them are very active on this forum helping to the other people and replying on the forum posts/requests.

Always choose the person you know in this forum (who is very active here), and you will have much less problems with anything.

Just my opinion sorry (because I am not a coder, and I am using Freelance as well).


I didnt send money to him! It was MQL5 who locked the money when he started the job. I followed due process.

I chose him because he is an MQL5 verified developer. And, it was MQL5 who locked the funds. Why am I being treated this way?


I didnt send money to him! It was MQL5 who locked the money when he started the job. I followed due process.

I chose him because he is an MQL5 verified developer. And, it was MQL5 who locked the funds. Why am I being treated this way?

MQL5 verified developer = verified by his documents.

It has nothing to do with any programming (or commercial) ability of anyone.

If you are following the process so - continue the following, and/or write to the service desk.
The forum users can not help you much except the advice on the situation.


I hope - some other users may provide more advice for example.