Is there a limitation on the number of job requests a freelancer can reply ?


Since few days, i can't reply to any new job offer. Anyone knows why ?



You can only apply for a maximum of 10 in one day.

I think that there may well be a maximum of open jobs that you can have, but I have no idea how many that might be.

Keith Watford:

You can only apply for a maximum of 10 in one day.

I think that there may well be a maximum of open jobs that you can have, but I have no idea how many that might be.

Thank you Keith !


May be Noel you can say us what is the max number, thanks.

It should be 3 I believe... so can you confirm Noel?  (It's need you check how many works 'in progress' you have).

Thanks again

P.S. Also arbitration works will keep locked that work slot. In fact I have an arbitration because a customer is trying to don't pay for the work (since it already received source codes), and also tried to pay half (very scammer!!!), and I'm resulting as 'in work' since a couple of weeks, and I'll be so, until arbitration don't close the job... I was 0 arbitration before met this scammer!! :(
Keith Watford:

You can only apply for a maximum of 10 in one day.

I think that there may well be a maximum of open jobs that you can have, but I have no idea how many that might be.

I think its 7 ,its when your "busy" bar maxes out .If i recall correctly

But that limit only affects if the project creator can lock the deal with you ,not replying to a new project .