selecting first 2 highest values in Arrays and first 2 lowest values in Arrays (Help)


Hello dear developers,

I have this code below:

The Array "SymbolsROC" store the roc of the symbols(in double) stated on the function "WeakAndStrongCurrency()". what I want is to select the first 2 highest values and the last 2 lowest values in the array without changing the index of the array. EXAMPLE: if  SymbolsROC[7]={4,1,7,3,2,6,8} . (you can see that 4 is in index 0, 1 in index17 in index 23 in index 32 in index 46 in index 5 and 8 in index 6)

So I want to select the first 2 highest values in the array which is 8 and 7 with the same index 8 in index 6 and 7 in index 2 . Same with the first 2 lowest value in the array.

The reason I want the index to be the same is because it will be use to identify  which Currency has the value , EXAMPLE: the value 8 in index 6 = CHF (meaning CHF has ROC of 8), the value 7 in index 2 = AUD (meaning AUD has the roc of 7)

Please how can I code this?

Your support will be highly appreciated... 

input int RPeriod = 1;

double SymbolsROC[7];

void OnTick()
void WeakAndStrongCurrency()
  double EUR_roc=iCustom("EURUSD",TimeFrame,"ROC1",RPeriod,true,0,1);
  double EUR_ROC=NormalizeDouble(EUR_roc,2);
  double GBP_roc=iCustom("GBPUSD",TimeFrame,"ROC1",RPeriod,true,0,1);
  double GBP_ROC=NormalizeDouble(GBP_roc,2);
  double AUD_roc=iCustom("AUDUSD",TimeFrame,"ROC1",RPeriod,true,0,1);
  double AUD_ROC=NormalizeDouble(AUD_roc,2);
  double NZD_roc=iCustom("NZDUSD",TimeFrame,"ROC1",RPeriod,true,0,1);
  double NZD_ROC=NormalizeDouble(NZD_roc,2);
  double CAD_roc=iCustom("USDCAD",TimeFrame,"ROC1",RPeriod,true,0,1);
  double CAD_ROC=NormalizeDouble(-CAD_roc,2);
  double JPY_roc=iCustom("USDJPY",TimeFrame,"ROC1",RPeriod,true,0,1);
  double JPY_ROC=NormalizeDouble(-JPY_roc,2);
  double CHF_roc=iCustom("USDCHF",TimeFrame,"ROC1",RPeriod,true,0,1);
  double CHF_ROC=NormalizeDouble(-CHF_roc,2);
   static int LastNumberOfBars; 

      for(int i=0; i<ArraySize(SymbolsROC); i++)
         SymbolsROC[0] = EUR_ROC;//index 0 
         SymbolsROC[1] = GBP_ROC;//index 1
         SymbolsROC[2] = AUD_ROC;//index 2
         SymbolsROC[3] = NZD_ROC;//index 3
         SymbolsROC[4] = CAD_ROC;//index 4
         SymbolsROC[5] = JPY_ROC;//index 5
         SymbolsROC[6] = CHF_ROC;//index 6
Documentation on MQL5: Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Named Constants / Predefined Macro Substitutions
Documentation on MQL5: Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Named Constants / Predefined Macro Substitutions
Predefined Macro Substitutions - Named Constants - Constants, Enumerations and Structures - MQL5 Reference - Reference on algorithmic/automated trading language for MetaTrader 5

You can create a 2-dimensional double array, where column #1 holds the ROC values and column #2 the original index.

Then use ArraySort to sort it in descending order, grab the top 2 indices and the bottom 2 indices and there you are.

Follow this link to see how this could be implemented.

how to sort and display in color
how to sort and display in color
  • 2019.02.14
Say I have follow data Nr. B/S Pair Profit 1 Buy EURUSD -90.12 2. Sell USDJPY 100.04 3. Sell AUDUSD -100.12 4. Buy GBPUSD -123.34 5...

You can create a 2-dimensional double array, where column #1 holds the ROC values and column #2 the original index.

Then use ArraySort to sort it in descending order, grab the top 2 indices and the bottom 2 indices and there you are.

Follow this link to see how this could be implemented.

Ok thank you so much  Mr  lippmaje

More power to you sir.

Let me check the link


You can create a 2-dimensional double array, where column #1 holds the ROC values and column #2 the original index.

Then use ArraySort to sort it in descending order, grab the top 2 indices and the bottom 2 indices and there you are.

Follow this link to see how this could be implemented.

hello sir, i tried but fine it difficult to code.

can you please send code?

double SymbolsROC[7][2];
int Highest,Highest2,Lowest,Lowest2;

void WeakAndStrongCurrency()
   static int LastNumberOfBars = -1;
   int bars = iBars(NULL,TimeFrame);

   if(bars == LastNumberOfBars)

   double EUR_roc=iCustom("EURUSD",TimeFrame,"ROC1",RPeriod,true,0,1);
   double EUR_ROC=NormalizeDouble(EUR_roc,2);
   double GBP_roc=iCustom("GBPUSD",TimeFrame,"ROC1",RPeriod,true,0,1);
   double GBP_ROC=NormalizeDouble(GBP_roc,2);
   double AUD_roc=iCustom("AUDUSD",TimeFrame,"ROC1",RPeriod,true,0,1);
   double AUD_ROC=NormalizeDouble(AUD_roc,2);
   double NZD_roc=iCustom("NZDUSD",TimeFrame,"ROC1",RPeriod,true,0,1);
   double NZD_ROC=NormalizeDouble(NZD_roc,2);
   double CAD_roc=iCustom("USDCAD",TimeFrame,"ROC1",RPeriod,true,0,1);
   double CAD_ROC=NormalizeDouble(-CAD_roc,2);
   double JPY_roc=iCustom("USDJPY",TimeFrame,"ROC1",RPeriod,true,0,1);
   double JPY_ROC=NormalizeDouble(-JPY_roc,2);
   double CHF_roc=iCustom("USDCHF",TimeFrame,"ROC1",RPeriod,true,0,1);
   double CHF_ROC=NormalizeDouble(-CHF_roc,2);
   SymbolsROC[0][0] = EUR_ROC;//index 0
   SymbolsROC[0][1] = 0;
   SymbolsROC[1][0] = GBP_ROC;//index 1
   SymbolsROC[1][1] = 1;
   SymbolsROC[2][0] = AUD_ROC;//index 2
   SymbolsROC[2][1] = 2;
   SymbolsROC[3][0] = NZD_ROC;//index 3
   SymbolsROC[3][1] = 3;
   SymbolsROC[4][0] = CAD_ROC;//index 4
   SymbolsROC[4][1] = 4;
   SymbolsROC[5][0] = JPY_ROC;//index 5
   SymbolsROC[5][1] = 5;
   SymbolsROC[6][0] = CHF_ROC;//index 6
   SymbolsROC[6][1] = 6;

   Highest  = (int)SymbolsROC[0][1];
   Highest2 = (int)SymbolsROC[1][1];
   Lowest   = (int)SymbolsROC[6][1];
   Lowest2  = (int)SymbolsROC[5][1];

   LastNumberOfBars = bars;
Like so and I moved the iCustom calls beyond the new bar check otherwise it will blast your backtest.
Like so and I moved the iCustom calls beyond the new bar check otherwise it will blast your backtest.

@lippmaje Thank you so much sir, am checking

Trader's profile
lippmaje: You can create a 2-dimensional double array, where column #1 holds the ROC values and column #2 the original index.

Then use ArraySort to sort it in descending order, grab the top 2 indices and the bottom 2 indices and there you are.

Or you can just go through the array and find them — no sorting or remembering the indexes required.

#define  PRICE    double         // A Price
#define     PRICE_MIN   PRICE(-EMPTY_VALUE)     // Oil went negative in 3/2020.

int   iHH,          iH2nd,          iLL,          iL2nd;
for(int iArr = ArraySize(A)-1; iArr >= 0; --iArr){
   PRICE p=A[iArr];
   if(     p > HH){  H2nd = HH; iH2nd = iHH; HH   = p; iHH   = iArr; }
   else if(P > H2nd){                        H2nd = p; iH2nd = iArr; }
   else if(P < LL){  L2nd = LL; iL2nd = iLL; LL   = p; iLL   = iArr; }
   else if(P < L2nd){                        L2nd = p; iL2nd = iArr; }
Like so and I moved the iCustom calls beyond the new bar check otherwise it will blast your backtest.

I used this code and it works well, THAK YOU, THANK YOU AND THANK YOU SIR , 

i will send you a private massege

William Roeder:

Or you can just go through the array and find them — no sorting or remembering the indexes required.

There is a flaw in that code. Single pass sort never work. Amend it that way so that if the last results shows one of the lowest price, you can catch it.

#define  PRICE    double         // A Price
#define     PRICE_MIN   PRICE(-EMPTY_VALUE)     // Oil went negative in 3/2020.

int   iHH,          iH2nd,          iLL,          iL2nd;
for(int iArr = ArraySize(A)-1; iArr >= 0; --iArr){
   PRICE p=A[iArr];
   if(     p > HH){  H2nd = HH; iH2nd = iHH; HH   = p; iHH   = iArr; }
   else if(P > H2nd){                        H2nd = p; iH2nd = iArr; }
   if(P < LL){  L2nd = LL; iL2nd = iLL; LL   = p; iLL   = iArr; }
   else if(P < L2nd){                        L2nd = p; iL2nd = iArr; }