ordering from freelance - format of Requirements specification



I'm in the process of ordering an EA from a freelance coder for the first time. I have written a requirement specification. Can someone tell me what format this should be uploaded in? I have tried various word formats, ODF and HTML and all just get the "invalid format" error message. Also; I have tried negotiating via the comments and my choosed applicant isn't responding, so I assumed I needed to upload the requirements spec' first, is this correct? many thanks, Owain

Matthew Winfield:


I'm in the process of ordering an EA from a freelance coder for the first time. I have written a requirement specification. Can someone tell me what format this should be uploaded in? I have tried various word formats, ODF and HTML and all just get the "invalid format" error message. Also; I have tried negotiating via the comments and my choosed applicant isn't responding, so I assumed I needed to upload the requirements spec' first, is this correct? many thanks, Owain

You can upload txt images ,or even better a compressed file with all the info ,and what you want out of the project, files.

And also , do negotiate through the comments ,that is probably not the reason for them not responding.

Give the coder time ,they get notified for responses the same way you are .

And dont forget to look at other applicants as well while you are waiting.

Thanks, thats really helpful. I have had an applicant who expressed interest, then asked for deatil, I spent ages specifying in the comments, only fo rthem to not reply and decline the job. Do I just submit my draft requirment spec' in the comments for discussion? 
Matthew Winfield:
Thanks, thats really helpful. I have had an applicant who expressed interest, then asked for deatil, I spent ages specifying in the comments, only fo rthem to not reply and decline the job. Do I just submit my draft requirment spec' in the comments for discussion? 

Decline ? Removed their application ?

You cant respond if they did and you cant choose them.

Be very careful with the vetting process.

(Some coders remove their bids if you are constantly changing your choice ,just to interview an applicant - which ,you dont need to select someone to talk to them-) 

Lorentzos Roussos:

Decline ? Removed their application ?

You cant respond if they did and you cant choose them.

Be very careful with the vetting process.

(Some coders remove their bids if you are constantly changing your choice ,just to interview an applicant - which ,you dont need to select someone to talk to them-) 

I'm new to the process and wasn't really sure whether to select before vetting people, so I selected and then started a conversation... I've probably ended looking undecided even though I have a fairly clear idea about what I want.. do you fancy doing a job for me? its super simple Grid EA in MQL5?? :) 

Matthew Winfield:

 its super simple Grid EA in MQL5?? :) 

How do you know that it is super simple ? 

lol! I don't really.... :) 
Matthew Winfield:

I'm new to the process and wasn't really sure whether to select before vetting people, so I selected and then started a conversation... I've probably ended looking undecided even though I have a fairly clear idea about what I want.. do you fancy doing a job for me? its super simple Grid EA in MQL5?? :) 

Dont worry ,some coders operate like this . Theres plenly of talent on this site that can take care of your projects .