Why I cannot move signal subscription, there are some stupid limitations


I did subscribed signal but trades are not copied because my current broker doesn't has DE30 symbol (it has only [DAX-30]-ECN). MQL5 symbol matching algorithm cannot map DE30 to  [DAX-30]-ECN and system is so badly planned that there is no, for example, user defined  mapping table for symbols. 

Because I cannot use this signal at my current broker;  I tried to move it to another broker. But of course, this failed also and I got error message:

   "There are a subscription to specified trading account and period exists.  "

Who has planned this stupid system? I answer myself - nobody, they are just coded something without thinking...

And error message is also very funny.. "..period exists". What period? Could you give error messages that are understandable ?

Does MQL return my money because I cannot use signal I subscribed ?


I did subscribed signal but trades are not copied because my current broker doesn't has DE30 symbol (it has only [DAX-30]-ECN). MQL5 symbol matching algorithm cannot map DE30 to  [DAX-30]-ECN and system is so badly planned that there is no, for example, user defined  mapping table for symbols. 

Because I cannot use this signal at my current broker;  I tried to move it to another broker. But of course, this failed also and I got error message:

   "There are a subscription to specified trading account and period exists.  "

Who has planned this stupid system? I answer myself - nobody, they are just coded something without thinking...

And error message is also very funny.. "..period exists". What period? Could you give error messages that are understandable ?

Does MQL return my money because I cannot use signal I subscribed ?

This message I think means that you are trying to move your signal subscription to a trading account that already has a signal subscription applied to it.


Thanks for reply, but I don't have any signal subscriptions on target account.  I cannot cancel subscription any more (and get money back) because I subscribed it two days ago.

I did retried it again and you was correct. Now signal is moved correctly. In fact, this was my mistake because I did believe that broker information in the first window that is displayed after selecting "Move signal", are for source signal and that that target broker is  information is asked in the next step. Sorry.
I did retried it again and you was correct. Now signal is moved correctly. In fact, this was my mistake because I did believe that broker information in the first window that is displayed after selecting "Move signal", are for source signal and that that target broker is  information is asked in the next step. Sorry.

This is a small lesson, not to be too harsh before you are sure about the cause of the issue you are experiencing.

Yes, indeed!