File operation

Hi all,
Just trying to copy/move some files from tester/AgentXXX/MQL5/Files to some other directory, let say TERMINAL_PATH. I tried FileMove, FileCopy and even ShellExecuteW, nothing works, any help welcome!
Hi all,
Just trying to copy/move some files from tester/AgentXXX/MQL5/Files to some other directory, let say TERMINAL_PATH. I tried FileMove, FileCopy and even ShellExecuteW, nothing works, any help welcome!
Do you receive any error?
Do you receive any error?


Not really, Error 0 :


handle = ShellExecuteW(0,0,"copy","C:\test.ini" "c:\mt5\mql5\files\test.ini\","",1);


    if(handle>32) Print(__FUNCTION__, " : Ini file moved sucessfully");                                       

    else { Print(__FUNCTION__, " : Error while trying to move the optiization ini file: ",GetLastError()); return(true);}

I tried als FileCopy and FileMove MQL function but none of them seems to work.


I would like to move a file from TERMINAL_DATA_PATH to another directory whereever I want (I mean not necessary Metatrader directory.

Any idea? 


Documentation on MQL5: Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Named Constants / Predefined Macro Substitutions
Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Named Constants / Predefined Macro Substitutions - Documentation on MQL5

Try to do something like this

It should  works fine.

//|                                                                  |
#import "kernel32.dll"
int GetLastError(void);
int CopyFileW(
              string &lpExistingFileName,
              string &lpNewFileName,
              int bFailIfExists
//|                                                                  |
int OnStart()
   string src="d:\\netstat.txt";
   string dest="e:\\test.txt";
   int res=kernel32::CopyFileW(src,dest,1);
   Print("Result is ",res,", last error is ",kernel32::GetLastError());

Do not forget that you should write "\\" if you want to add \ character into the string. 


Try to do something like this

It should  works fine.

Do not forget that you should write "\\" if you want to add \ character into the string. 

Hi. Why do I get error 'GetLastError' - ambiguous call to overloaded function with the same parameters sapi.mq5 80 41 and how can I fix it? Code attached.
sapi.mq5  4 kb
Hi. Why do I get error 'GetLastError' - ambiguous call to overloaded function with the same parameters sapi.mq5 80 41 and how can I fix it? Code attached.

You have to add scope resolution operation as you did on line 67.

The reason is that the system function GetLastError() and the function which you have imported from dll are placed in global scope and they have the same name and argument list. So you have to specify which of them you want to call.


You have to add scope resolution operation as you did on line 67.

The reason is that the system function GetLastError() and the function which you have imported from dll are placed in global scope and they have the same name and argument list. So you have to specify which of them you want to call.

Thanks, works fine.