Signal Growth



I would like to know that some of the signals have growth in "Gray Color"?  Why they are gray? (Please check the attachment)

Thanks in advance

Gray.png  7 kb
Those monthly growth was ignored by system.
Read post #6 with the replies of admin.
Signals - Reliability
Signals - Reliability
  • 2018.12.07
How do I understand the Reliability Index for Signal providers...
Thank you so much
Sergey Golubev:
Those monthly growth was ignored by system.
Read post #6 with the replies of admin.
Sarowar Jahan:


I would like to know that some of the signals have growth in "Gray Color"?  Why they are gray? (Please check the attachment)

Thanks in advance

We (moderators) are replying on this "formal way" just because of the following: a lot of the users are asking same questions.
And I can tell you: the any (any!) replies were already done (in any meaning) ...

  • by MQ (MQ = MetaQuotes company),
  • and/or by other users,
  • and/or by admins (admin = MQ),
  • or any (any = forum moderators).

So, we are giving links to the answeres