Back test bar by bar


Hello fellow traders,

I am wondering if its possible to draw candles bar by bar for back testing in MT4. I have played around with Forex Tester 2 and the Ninja Trader version but I would like to do this in MT4 if it's possible.




Hi Daniel

If you're talking about replaying historic data tick by tick / bar by bar and manually placing trades then you'll need a simulator for MT4. <link removed by moderator>

If you want to just replay bar by bar then just drag your chart back to a particular start point and use F12 to advance bar by bar.

If that's not what you mean, could you please elaborate?



EDIT: No idea why the link to the simulator was removed as it's a free tool??? If you're interested, send me a message and I'll send you the link.



EDIT: No idea why the link to the simulator was removed as it's a free tool??? If you're interested, send me a message and I'll send you the link.

Free tool or not doesn't matter. It's advertising for a commercial company. People interested can contact you, there is no problem.
Free tool or not doesn't matter. It's advertising for a commercial company. People interested can contact you, there is no problem.
No worries Alain, understand what you're getting at.


Hi Daniel

If you're talking about replaying historic data tick by tick / bar by bar and manually placing trades then you'll need a simulator for MT4. <link removed by moderator>

If you want to just replay bar by bar then just drag your chart back to a particular start point and use F12 to advance bar by bar.

If that's not what you mean, could you please elaborate?



EDIT: No idea why the link to the simulator was removed as it's a free tool??? If you're interested, send me a message and I'll send you the link.

Hi Filter,

That's exactly what I'm looking for. I'll P.M you for the link.

Thanks :D