Flag encryption and license management:


Hello everyone sorry I imagine this question has already been discussed often on the forum: (if you have the link from previous similar discussion)

A)Indicator license management software:

1-What software can manage user licenses remotely by determining a license expiration date for an indicator?

2-Is there a way to automate the creation of licenses after payment? (ex: a customer takes a subscription for one month automatically his license is created and then activated for this period)

B)Encryption of a flag controls decompilation:

1-What utility can encrypt its MT4 indicator code to prevent decompilation? - Which do you think are the most efficient on the market?

Thank you in advance for your help or for any links you can give me.

Good trade has everything :)


Discussion about external (especially commercial software) is prohibited on the forum (that is why I deleted your first thread.


MQL5 Cloud Protector: Advanced protection for programs - Developing programs - MetaEditor Help
MQL5 Cloud Protector: Advanced protection for programs - Developing programs - MetaEditor Help
  • www.metatrader5.com
Executable files EX4/EX5 are reliably protected from decompilation. MQL5 Cloud Protector provides an advanced protection level for your applications. A similar method is used in the largest store of trading applications MetaTrader Market, where the EX4/EX5 product files submitted by sellers are additionally compiled to native code. The only...

And it is something which can be used together with MQL5 Cloud Protector


Besides, you can use Freelance service to find the developer/coder who can code/inprove/fix something for you or consult you concerning the subject.

Protect Yourselves, Developers!
Protect Yourselves, Developers!
  • www.mql5.com
Protection of intellectual property is still a big problem. This article describes the basic principles of MQL4-programs protection. Using these principles you can ensure that results of your developments are not stolen by a thief, or at least to complicate his "work" so much that he will just refuse to do it. Introduction When I started to get...
Sergey Golubev:

Et c'est quelque chose qui peut être utilisé avec MQL5 Cloud Protector


En outre, vous pouvez utiliser le service Freelance pour trouver le développeur / codeur qui peut coder / améliorer / réparer quelque chose pour vous ou vous consulter sur le sujet.

Sorry if I finally have one of the forum rules. Thanks to you for all the very relevant links you have provided me. Maybe you can tell me are there any “nondisclosure agreements” when we have an indicator programmed by a free-lancer ?


Sorry if I finally have one of the forum rules. Thanks to you for all the very relevant links you have provided me. Maybe you can tell me are there any “nondisclosure agreements” when we have an indicator programmed by a free-lancer ?

"Non-disclosure agreement" between you and the freelancer/developers selected by you in Freelance sercvice?
Why do you need Freelance service to select the developer (in case you care about "non-disclosure agreement")?

You should already have a developer/freelance which is your friend or your relative or very active user of this forum (trusted by you).

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies


Sergey Golubev, 2020.03.17 08:53

And I am posting this suggestion all the time on the forum. It is related to the Signals, the Market, and to the Freelance as well - 

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies


Sergey Golubev, 2020.01.16 06:35

There is one rule which some people follow:
subscribe to the signal or create an order in Freelance or purchase the product from the user/seller/coder/provider you know in person or you know by activity on the forum.

Because if you purchased something so I may ask:
"Do you know the seller in person, or you are familiar with him on this forum?"
If you say: "Not" so it will be very strange case for me ...

Just my optinion.


There are a lot of professional and honest users/coders on the forum, and some of them are very active on this forum helping to the other people and replying on the forum posts/requests.



But if you select "anyone" (any coder which you do not know in person or you do not know him on this forum) so - it is your choice (and we call it as "Russian roulette" in my country).


Always choose the person you know in this forum (who is very active here), and you will have much less problems with anything.
Because "choose the person" - invest to the coder/seller/provider and to his job (invest = pay).

Just my opinion sorry (because I am not a coder, and I am using Freelance as well).