signal copies twice, taken out of trade before signal provider

Hello everyone, I  need your help on this. I have this paid signal which has a good track record. for some reason for every trade the signal provider opens, I get two trades opened on my side and it makes double of what he makes. The challenge comes when there's a big drawback. So of recent we had a huge draw back and I found myself taken out of the two trades but when i check his account he hadnt closed anything. The more I stayed in those trade i again found that a portion of the trade had been closed out which made me loose money. How can I stop this?
If you use VPS together with your home computer so disable the signal on your home computer for example.

When you use MQL5 VPS, you do not need to tick the: Enable realtime signal subscription, option on your local computer terminal.

Check how the subscription procedure should be done:  (MT4)  (MT5)