Creating A Counter that is Global only to that EA


I am having an issue which I suppose should be extremely simple but I cannot solve it. Here is my EA:

int counter = 1;


do stuff with counter;


My problem is, every time I launch another EA on a different pair, it changes my counter back to 1 in every EA. Obviously I know this is because the variable is global, but the only command I can find for making the variable local is "static" and I have tried it without success. I cannot set the counter inside OnTick because it would constantly reset it every tick. So my problem is creating a variable which is global only to this EA but not being changed by all the other EA's on other pairs.

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The other EA's don't change the counter, each EA has it's own instance of the counter, set to one in it's OnInit().

If you want one counter shared by all EA's you can use Terminal global variables

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