[Help] MQL5 WebRequest always get error

Hi All.
I used postman to call Google script API that worked fine but when i call api by WebRequest in mql5 source it always return error 404 code. Somebody can be help me. Thanks
mql5 code: 

 string pass = "553246736447566B583139554C7170306F6F72367537436D75747670536246446A346358705437576E2B43364358724A527A41614B673D3D";

char data[], result[];

   string headers="Content-Type: multipart/form-data\r\n";

   string cookie=NULL;

   string api ="https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbz_rVmhSiSOyuuvKj1zxi2FHPQvFpnlXuFzXS79YqHO5Wq2nGca/exec";

   string url=StringFormat("%s?password=%s",api,pass);

   int res = WebRequest("GET",url,NULL,5000,data,result,headers);

   //int res = WebRequest("GET",url,cookie,headers,500,data,0,result,headers);

   int code = GetLastError();

   string strResult = CharArrayToString(result);

postman call: 

thanks all.

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