How to Install Metatrader 32bits in Windows 64 bits



How to install Metatrader 32bits in Windows 64bits ?

mt5setup.exe simply recognizes that my Windows is 64bits version, and installs the 64bits version of Metatrader automatically. There is no option to install the 32bits version.

(My need to install the 32bits version of Metatrader is because I have a dll complied in 32bits (without the source code) and I want I want to call it from MQL5).





here 32bit version setup from alpari broker


Use mt5setup.exe /32

See also built-in Help by pressing F1 -  Terminal Installation

  • The installation program is a web installer; this means that the major portion of the distributive will be downloaded from the Internet during installation.
  • The client terminal installer determines type of an operating system and installs the corresponding version of the terminal;
  • To install the 32 bit version in a 64 bit operating system, you should start the installer with the /32 key. For example c:\>mt5setup.exe /32.

See also built-in Help by pressing F1 -  Terminal Installation

Thanks !

here 32bit version setup from alpari broker



See also built-in Help by pressing F1 -  Terminal Installation


Thanks to all, guys !!


as I have seen, it is been a long time ago since the last post related this Topic, but is this switch no longer supported ? I tried different Broker Setups with the /32, but every time I just got the 64bit version !





as I have seen, it is been a long time ago since the last post related this Topic, but is this switch no longer supported ? I tried different Broker Setups with the /32, but every time I just got the 64bit version !



No more supported.
Alain Verleyen:
No more supported.

Hello. Is there any way to install mt5 32 now?



Hello. Is there any way to install mt5 32 now?


Yes, install it on a 32 bits OS.
Alain Verleyen:
Yes, install it on a 32 bits OS.
What if I download a portable mt5 32 version on my Windows PC. Would that work?
What if I download a portable mt5 32 version on my Windows PC. Would that work?

Try it and let us now.

I don't see why you want to run a MT5/32 bits on a 64 bits OS, it's completely useless.