Find out arrow indicator Position at chart for EA



I have several indicators working together, I wanted to make an EA with this indicators. so my strategy working with 4 indicators results

first of all I got indicators value with iCustom. For arrow indicator I got value from icustom but i wanted to get position for indicator at chart

Because, my startegy is if arrow indicator touch curve band of another indicator i enter trade. please check the screen shot I have attached

you will see a blue up arrow at blue band and here is my code 

void checkforsignal(){
    double uparrow = iCustom(NULL,0,"BrainTrend2SigALERT5",0,1);
    double downarrow = iCustom(NULL,0,"BrainTrend2SigALERT5",1,1);
    double dotarrow = iCustom(NULL,0,"FL03",0,1);
    double fl1 = iCustom(NULL,PERIOD_CURRENT,"FL1",0,1);
    //double joker = iCustom(NULL,0,"FL2",0,1);
    Print("Up arrow value= ", uparrow);
    Print("Down arrow value= ", downarrow);
    Print("Dot arrow value= ", dotarrow);
    Print("Fl1 value= ", fl1);
    if(dotarrow != 0 && dotarrow < fl1){
          if(!OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, Lots, Ask, 3, Bid-SL*Point, Bid+TP*Point, "buyy", 11223, 0, clrAliceBlue))
          PrintFormat("OrderSend error %d",GetLastError());

please let me know how can i get position for the dotarrow and uparrow so i can justify this have either blue band or not

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Keith Watford:

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I know that it is not obvious, but topics concerning MT4 and MQL4 have their own section.
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Hey .

How much is the arrow indicator lagging ? This is not the solution ,but you will have to consider it if you intend to use this live .

Then i assume you want to find the points where this occurs on the chart ,and if we are talking about a lagging arrow then you want the most 

recent occurence of the screenshot starting from the current bar ?

without having checked because i dont have the indicators : 

    imagine a senario where the arrow on bar 3 appears when bar 0 opens
    the code cant see it because its probably not there yet .laggy arrow most probably .it 
    does not mean the indicator is bad , it may mean that there is no other way to calculate that.
    So you will have to shift from staring at bar 1 to looking for the latest occurence of that event ,and then based
    on the data ,evaluate ,and decide if you want to trade .
void checkforsignal(){
    double uparrow = iCustom(NULL,0,"BrainTrend2SigALERT5",0,1);
    double downarrow = iCustom(NULL,0,"BrainTrend2SigALERT5",1,1);
    double dotarrow = iCustom(NULL,0,"FL03",0,1);
    double fl1 = iCustom(NULL,PERIOD_CURRENT,"FL1",0,1);
    //double joker = iCustom(NULL,0,"FL2",0,1);
    Print("Up arrow value= ", uparrow);
    Print("Down arrow value= ", downarrow);
    Print("Dot arrow value= ", dotarrow);
    Print("Fl1 value= ", fl1);   
    if(dotarrow != 0 && dotarrow < fl1){
          if(!OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, Lots, Ask, 3, Bid-SL*Point, Bid+TP*Point, "buyy", 11223, 0, clrAliceBlue))
          PrintFormat("OrderSend error %d",GetLastError());
//step one , the data we need , we can build it so lets do that 
you need price of arrow ,price of band ,time of event ,and bar offset (if your decisions are snap) 
and also , a way to know if anything was found.
struct fl_event
bool found;
datetime event_time;
double arrow_price,band_price;
int bar_ix;
//default reset upon creation - or constructor
//we have the data type we need ,now we build a function that returns that data after
//looking for what we instruct it to find 
fl_event FindFlCross(int limit,
                     int i_from){
//we wont care about series because mt4
//we declare the result ,it will be of the new type we just built 
fl_event result;//no further actions as upon this moment the constructor will be called and reset the result anyway 

//now on to the search 
/*you may have noticed indicator codes have rates total ,and previously calculated to avoid double passes of the same bar.We wont perform such ninja things here even though its easy ,its off topic*/
//check 1 valid bars 
    for(int i=i_from;i<=limit;i++)
    //call our values , it would be optimal if we buffer them every new candle ,but again we are not adressing such issues here
    double uparrow = iCustom(NULL,0,"BrainTrend2SigALERT5",0,i);
    double downarrow = iCustom(NULL,0,"BrainTrend2SigALERT5",1,i);
    double dotarrow = iCustom(NULL,0,"FL03",0,i);
    double fl1 = iCustom(NULL,PERIOD_CURRENT,"FL1",0,i);
    //check conditions ,i imagine theres more for sells ,but thats what you will code ;)   
       break;//could also be return 
  //loop ends here 
//check 1 valid bars ends here 
//return the result

void OnTick()
//then to call this check 
//declare a receiver variable ,same type 
fl_event result=FindFlCross(your_limit,i_start);
//process results within this block 
//if any result ,do stuff .
//you will have to be careful here too not to use a signal more than once , not to do redundant checks etc


Lorentzos Roussos:

Hey .

How much is the arrow indicator lagging ? This is not the solution ,but you will have to consider it if you intend to use this live .

Then i assume you want to find the points where this occurs on the chart ,and if we are talking about a lagging arrow then you want the most 

recent occurence of the screenshot starting from the current bar ?

without having checked because i dont have the indicators : 

Hi  Lorentzos Roussos

Many thanks for you prompted response and for the code. Yes right your thinking was better assumption, as you not have the indicators. By the way as you said we need to data for a latest time duration like last 40 bars for a chart so we can Identify the value for arrow and band for this duration. I have checked the code with strategy tester. But I am not sure for the call at onTick() funciton at this line of code

fl_event result=FindFlCross(your_limit,i_start);

can you please let me know what is limit and i_start, how can i use for this two int for call the struct. Anyway I have test it with two int 40,0 and getting arrow value more times but same (obviously ti will be same) and getting value for band_price. I have attached a screen shot for the values. please let me know how can i check at onTick with them 

Thank you again

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MD Kamrul:

Hi  Lorentzos Roussos

Many thanks for you prompted response and for the code. Yes right your thinking was better assumption, as you not have the indicators. By the way as you said we need to data for a latest time duration like last 40 bars for a chart so we can Identify the value for arrow and band for this duration. I have checked the code with strategy tester. But I am not sure for the call at onTick() funciton at this line of code

can you please let me know what is limit and i_start, how can i use for this two int for call the struct. Anyway I have test it with two int 40,0 and getting arrow value more times but same (obviously ti will be same) and getting value for band_price. I have attached a screen shot for the values. please let me know how can i check at onTick with them 

Thank you again

You are welcome.

Correct 40 and 0 ,your_limit is the amount of bars you want to check (40),and i_start is the first bar you check.

you have more data in the structure if you type "result." .

Lorentzos Roussos:

You are welcome.

Correct 40 and 0 ,your_limit is the amount of bars you want to check (40),and i_start is the first bar you check.

you have more data in the structure if you type "result." .

Hi Lorentzos,

So the from 0 to 40 bars is for last/recent bars? I have printed the values at onTick() here is the code

void OnTick()

//then to call this check 
//declare a receiver variable ,same type 
fl_event result=FindFlCross(40,0);
//process results within this block 
//if any result ,do stuff .
//you will have to be careful here too not to use a signal more than once , not to do redundant checks etc
   if(result.arrow_price < result.band_price){
      Print("Up arrow value= ", result.arrow_price);
      Print("Fl1 value= ", result.band_price);

so I checked again if band_price > arrow_price then this will printe value for up arrow and fl1 value

I have tested it at strategy test from 29 to 30 September, I have attached a screen shot you can see I makred the zone there have one dot arrow, this dot arrow value is larger than fl1 value that's why this blue dot showing at top of blue band, but in the journal you will see the fl1 values are always greater 

please help

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Yes ,the finder looks for when dot is smaller than fl1

and you are printing only when arrow(dot) smaller than fl1

so the fl1 values printed are always greater than the dot values

Probably mixed up buffers in your analysis ,check them again.

Lorentzos Roussos:

Yes ,the finder looks for when dot is smaller than fl1

and you are printing only when arrow(dot) smaller than fl1

so the fl1 values printed are always greater than the dot values

Probably mixed up buffers in your analysis ,check them again.

I am clearly showed what is problem i am getting in the video please check the video

please check here I am testing this again

looking for this dot value withing the date range 2 - 3 sept

the value is for fl03 which is dot arrow at our EA is 77.6854

now i am starting the testing at strategy tester

please look i am getting dot arrow value 77.9913 but I showed you it was 77.6854 i am confused for this where the value comming 

both three line(top yellow middle green and bottom yellow) are fl1 indicator for fl1 value

I am not getting bottom yellow value 

getting top yellow line

please see here

this printed buffer lines for the fl1 indicator

I am not getting blue line values but getting top yellow line

how can getting bottom line for buy entry check?

please help 


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MD Kamrul:


I have several indicators working together, I wanted to make an EA with this indicators. so my strategy working with 4 indicators results

first of all I got indicators value with iCustom. For arrow indicator I got value from icustom but i wanted to get position for indicator at chart

Because, my startegy is if arrow indicator touch curve band of another indicator i enter trade. please check the screen shot I have attached

you will see a blue up arrow at blue band and here is my code 

please let me know how can i get position for the dotarrow and uparrow so i can justify this have either blue band or not

Indicators "FL" came from "Forex Line" series indicators (start from 01 to 23 in numbers) - they are renamed from different indicators,mostly repaint,becare about - for example FL01 and or FL1 is "centered tma bands" indicator


Indicators "FL" came from "Forex Line" series indicators (start from 01 to 23 in numbers) - they are renamed from different indicators,mostly repaint,becare about - for example FL01 and or FL1 is "centered tma bands" indicator

Hi mntiwana,

What do you meant by start from 01 to 23 numbers?