MT4 Demo signal

I'm trying to test my demo signal before I upgrade it to a real signal.  The signal is posted on, but when I try to subscribe to it with a different demo account I get the message in MT4 "the signal is temporarily disabled for new subscriptions". How do I fix this?
Peter Riley:
I'm trying to test my demo signal before I upgrade it to a real signal.  The signal is posted on, but when I try to subscribe to it with a different demo account I get the message in MT4 "the signal is temporarily disabled for new subscriptions". How do I fix this?

This is a demo/free signal and you can subscribe to it with a demo or real account.

I don't see any warning message.

The temporarily disabled message is usually on when the signal's drawdown exceeds 30%.

Eleni Anna Branou:

This is a demo/free signal and you can subscribe to it with a demo or real account.

I don't see any warning message.

The temporarily disabled message is usually on when the signal's drawdown exceeds 30%.

That is so odd.  I have tried again and the first error message that actually comes up is : "Subscription failed.  Subscription is only allowed for subscription on demo accounts".  This is an odd message as both the signal account and the subscription accounts are demo accounts.
Peter Riley:
That is so odd.  I have tried again and the first error message that actually comes up is : "Subscription failed.  Subscription is only allowed for subscription on demo accounts".  This is an odd message as both the signal account and the subscription accounts are demo accounts.

Please would you advise how I can solve this issue.