My Signal Not shown in search or Page Numbers



Please Help me to know about ratings, my signal not shown any number and even not shown in search 

Please Help me to tell me how much rating is required to my signal take serial number and shown in search 

khalid khan:


Please Help me to know about ratings,  my signal not shown any number and even not shown in search 

Please Help me to tell me how much rating is required to my signal take serial number and shown in search 

Not all signals are rated and ranked in or in MT4/5 terminal.

Why only my signal shown like that what is the reason please explain 
khalid khan:
Why only my signal shown like that what is the reason please explain 

Its not only your signal that has this limitation, but a lot of others too, but you can only see yours, because it concerns you.


Thank you very much, but please can you tell me how much time it will take to shown

Mean suitable idea about time please


khalid khan:

Thank you very much, but please can you tell me how much time it will take to shown

Mean suitable idea about time please


Its not some specific time, it has to do with each signal's trading and performance.

It is certain that if you trade well, your visibility and rating will be improved.

Thank you very much for guidance