Missing candle in chart using *** Indicator

Hi dear
I have been using *** Indicator for a while, Recently I have been facing the problem of missing candle in the chart which leads to gpas. this problem persist even after trying many ways including refreshing, clearing the history, changing server and etc. Interestingly this problem comes out only when I am working with Alpari broker though other brokers seems to have no such problem (I have tried this myself and also asked a few friends of mine). anybody can help me out?
Hamid Trader :
Hi dear
I have been using *** Indicator for a while, Recently I have been facing the problem of missing candle in the chart which leads to gpas. this problem persist even after trying many ways including refreshing, clearing the history, changing server and etc. Interestingly this problem comes out only when I am working with Alpari broker though other brokers seems to have no such problem (I have tried this myself and also asked a few friends of mine). anybody can help me out?

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Vladimir Karputov:

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Hi Dear   Vladimir  Karputov
*** Indicator  is not a product of Market. the indicator is sold by 
Hamid Trader:
Hi Dear   Vladimir  Karputov
*** Indicator  is not a product of Market. the indicator is sold by 

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Missing candle in chart using *** Indicator

Vladimir Karputov, 2020.09.21 10:55


In other cases, you must show the source code being edited - otherwise no one can help you.

Hamid Trader Recently I have been facing the problem of missing candle in the chart which leads to gpas.

You mentioned an indicator and that confused everyone. The indicator is irrevalent.

You assume that every bar every exists — they don't. What if there are no ticks during a specific candle period? There can be minutes between ticks during the Asian session, think M1 chart. Larger charts, think weekend, market holiday (country and broker specific.) requires knowledge of when your broker stops and starts (not necessary the same as the market.)
          "Free-of-Holes" Charts - MQL4 Articles 20 June 2006
          No candle if open = close ? - MQL4 programming forum 2010.06.06

Define your acronyms before use. I have no idea what a gpas is.