have to reinstall market items over and over (mt4)

hi what can cause this , when i download a script or indicator from market for a few hours it work then if i decide to attach it to a chart i have to delete it and re download it from market in order to make it attachable to my chart again!
It may be because of the Windows update with activation lost, or because you did not fill Community tab with your forum login (paymanz) and your forum password, or because of something wrong with your Wiundows for example (and it may be the other reasons).
You can look at the logs/journal to check about.

how can i check it?! the item that i cant attach to chart is in my purchased list. i have logged in to community.

isnt there any config or cache file that deleting it could help this problem?



how can i check it?! the item that i cant attach to chart is in my purchased list. i have logged in to community.

isnt there any config or cache file that deleting it could help this problem?


No one can knows. Because it is your computer, and you only should know about "why" - you can check the journal of Metatrader (because everything is written there; every error is written on the logs with the reasons), you can check the Community tab to be filled with your forum login (not by your email), you know when your Windows was updated, and more.

I just explained some reasons in theoretical point of view. But you only can know about what was happened in practical way.