Signal coping problem.

Yesterday, started coping a signal as first scriber. There are 5 opened orders, but I have only 2. 0.01 and 0.03 lot (1000usdbalance)

And yesterday I saw the signal’s total fund is 950, but now is 50. I think there are some problem with signal or mql. please check it and answer me. 
Yesterday, started coping a signal as first scriber. There are 5 opened orders, but I have only 2. 0.01 and 0.03 lot (1000usdbalance)

And yesterday I saw the signal’s total fund is 950, but now is 50. I think there are some problem with signal or mql. please check it and answer me. 

Make sure you've done everything as described here:

Check your MQL5 VPS journal for errors or any details about your issue and post here.

Also check your Signals settings and the participation percentage you've put there, if you want to use your full balance it should be 95%.
Singal problem
me too
Learn to read and follow instructions and you will solve your problem.
Dharmender Kumar:
Singal problem

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Copying does not work

Sergey Golubev, 2020.09.03 06:28

It can be many problems.
You can look at the logs/journal of Metatrader (or logs/journal of MQL5 VPS if you are using it) to know about which problem.

And check subscriptiopn procedure once again in case you missed something:


How to Subscribe to MT4/MT5 Signal - new instructions