my coder want me to prove this is wrong, please help me. - page 2

Dilwyn Tng Zhuo Yu:

 Shift did not produce differences in optimization steps. 

were you optimizing  

Dual_MA_Filter_Shift_1 OR 

Dilwyn Tng Zhuo Y Shift did not produce differences in optimization steps. 

Post #9 was directed at nicholish en


William Roeder:

OP wanted "to prove this is wrong" to his developer. So I did, as did lippmaje. And now he has proof.

Yeah, no... no you didn't. 

Perhaps you should read the manual, especially the examples.

   How To Ask Questions The Smart Way. 2004

      How To Interpret Answers.

         RTFM and STFW: How To Tell You've Seriously Screwed Up.

You immediately started with your boilerplate lecture indicating that you had jumped to conclusions and completely misunderstood the OP. 

  1. What is your major malfunction?
My gripe is that you come on here acting like a bot with your copypastas full of subtle insults, and it especially irritates me when it has nothing to do with the OP. 
Dilwyn Tng Zhuo Yu:

So, no matter what the values of the input of Shift I enter, Shift at MA function is alway 0, right?

Yes so the shift parameters are there in the input parameter window, but it is not being used in the actual function calls so no matter what value you assign to the shift value it will not be used in the final calculation unless your developer adds it to the function call parameters.I did not see an actual call only the input parameters and the iMA function declaration, so there must be more code that shows how the function is called maybe your developer overrides the zero value in the call you have to look at the rest of the code.

Marco vd Heijden:

Yes so the shift parameters are there in the input parameter window, but it is not being used in the actual function calls so no matter what value you assign to the shift value it will not be used in the final calculation unless your developer adds it to the function call parameters.I did not see an actual call only the input parameters and the iMA function declaration, so there must be more code that shows how the function is called maybe your developer overrides the zero value in the call you have to look at the rest of the code.

Thank for the advise. 

 He refused to look at the code without me proving to him with charts even I cut and pasted his error code to him.  He fixed this bug after I have to show him charts that shift is not working. A non coder has to prove to his developer the code is wrong using chart, that is ridicular, I think. 

I shall tag the paid developer to read this thread.

@Mehdi Abdolhossein Pour Malekshah,

Please look at this thread.

Omega J Msigwa:

were you optimizing  


Dilwyn Tng Zhuo Yu: How can I proof this code affects MA shift with picture? I told my coder this code is wrong, he want me to prove with picture before he will check on it. What I see is he is passing Apply into Shift and in the MA function, shift is a local variable which is 0.  No matter what Shift input will be, Shift is alway 0.

The problem is here:

if (Use_Dual_MA_Filter)
      Dual_MA_1_1 = MA(Dual_MA_Filter_Period_1, Dual_MA_Filter_Method_1, Dual_MA_Filter_Apply_1, Dual_MA_Filter_Apply_1, Bar_1, Dual_MA_Filter_TF_1);
      Dual_MA_1_2 = MA(Dual_MA_Filter_Period_1, Dual_MA_Filter_Method_1, Dual_MA_Filter_Apply_1, Dual_MA_Filter_Apply_1, Bar_2, Dual_MA_Filter_TF_1);
      Dual_MA_2_1 = MA(Dual_MA_Filter_Period_2, Dual_MA_Filter_Method_2, Dual_MA_Filter_Apply_2, Dual_MA_Filter_Apply_2, Bar_1, Dual_MA_Filter_TF_2);
      Dual_MA_2_2 = MA(Dual_MA_Filter_Period_2, Dual_MA_Filter_Method_2, Dual_MA_Filter_Apply_2, Dual_MA_Filter_Apply_2, Bar_2, Dual_MA_Filter_TF_2);

The code probably should have been as follows:

if (Use_Dual_MA_Filter)
      Dual_MA_1_1 = MA(Dual_MA_Filter_Period_1, Dual_MA_Filter_Method_1, Dual_MA_Filter_Shift_1, Dual_MA_Filter_Apply_1, Bar_1, Dual_MA_Filter_TF_1);
      Dual_MA_1_2 = MA(Dual_MA_Filter_Period_1, Dual_MA_Filter_Method_1, Dual_MA_Filter_Shift_1, Dual_MA_Filter_Apply_1, Bar_2, Dual_MA_Filter_TF_1);
      Dual_MA_2_1 = MA(Dual_MA_Filter_Period_2, Dual_MA_Filter_Method_2, Dual_MA_Filter_Shift_2, Dual_MA_Filter_Apply_2, Bar_1, Dual_MA_Filter_TF_2);
      Dual_MA_2_2 = MA(Dual_MA_Filter_Period_2, Dual_MA_Filter_Method_2, Dual_MA_Filter_Shift_2, Dual_MA_Filter_Apply_2, Bar_2, Dual_MA_Filter_TF_2);
Fernando Carreiro:

The problem is here:

The code probably should have been as follows:

Thank  Fernando