

Hello MT4/5 Gurus

I am wondering if someone would shed some light on the session_index parameter

Allows receiving time of beginning and end of the specified quoting sessions for a specified symbol and day of week.

bool  SymbolInfoSessionQuote( 
   string            name,                // symbol name 
   ENUM_DAY_OF_WEEK  day_of_week,         // day of the week 
   uint              session_index,       // session index 
   datetime&         from,                // time of the session beginning 
   datetime&         to                   // time of the session end 



[in]  Symbol name.


[in]  Day of the week, value of enumeration ENUM_DAY_OF_WEEK.


[in]  Ordinal number of a session, whose beginning and end time we want to receive. Indexing of sessions starts with 0.


[out]  Session beginning time in seconds from 00 hours 00 minutes, in the returned value date should be ignored.


[out]  Session end time in seconds from 00 hours 00 minutes, in the returned value date should be ignored.

Return Value

If data for the specified session, symbol and day of the week are received, returns true, otherwise returns false.

I tried to use any  session_index other that 0 I received an error.

so one question comes to mind, does "session_index" refers to the broker being live or refers to the market sessions in the classical terms such as London/NY/Sydney ...?