a question out of this world.


Fancy names to describe our job or business.

How do we describe our work to layman suck that our words are related to automation of trading. Maybe describe only trading forex pairs.

I face difficulty in explaining it to noob crowds who think i am sort of some agent whose only struggle is getting clients for investment so i may gain from commission. They judge my job as something cheap.

I am a "day trader" is not a good answer for them. ppl relate trader to supplier of some sort. I need to tell what i do in fewest words such that my words are relating to automation of trading and limiting my expertise to forex pairs and may be relating to exchanges i work with and not local in country bank exchanges.

i hope you all do relate with how judging ppl can be when they don't understand your work.

  1. I trade the Foreign Exchange Market, the most liquid financial market in the world. The  average daily turnover is over $6.6 trillion; compare that to New York Stock Exchange with a turnover of 0.020 trillion (20 billion.)
  2. I try to buy low and sell higher, or sell high and buy lower.
  3. My average yearly return on equity is xx percent over the last 2 years.
  4. I trade yy charts.

Wolf of.the Wallstreet
but the home version 
a.k.a. #jobless ;)
Soewono Effendi:

Wolf of.the Wallstreet
but the home version 
a.k.a. #jobless ;)

Also Margin Call 


Fancy names to describe our job or business.

How do we describe our work to layman suck that our words are related to automation of trading. Maybe describe only trading forex pairs.

I face difficulty in explaining it to noob crowds who think i am sort of some agent whose only struggle is getting clients for investment so i may gain from commission. They judge my job as something cheap.

I am a "day trader" is not a good answer for them. ppl relate trader to supplier of some sort. I need to tell what i do in fewest words such that my words are relating to automation of trading and limiting my expertise to forex pairs and may be relating to exchanges i work with and not local in country bank exchanges.

i hope you all do relate with how judging ppl can be when they don't understand your work.

 Judge not lest ye be judged.  Not everybody is of an understanding nature unfortunately.  A spade is a spade, no need to call it anything else ;)