OrdersTotal for every Symbol


hi everyone I have a problem, I can't enter the total order count on a single Symbol, I would like to enter it for each Symbol but I can't find a way, I'm not very good at coding but I've been searching for 1 day

I don't know if I'm wrong the magic number or the for cycle, but I can't get what I want, I can have a total of orders open, but not for every single Symbol

Writing this code I can limit the operations of the whole market but not only of a Symbol

I can't understand what I'm wrong, I want to make sure that I can decide how many operations to open on each symbol

void UpdatePosition()

   //extern int tradecount =0;

   posType   = OP_FLAT;
   posTicket = 0;
   posLots   = 0;
   int total = OrdersTotal();
     for(int pos=total-1; pos>=tradecont-1; pos--)
      if(OrderSelect(pos,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES) &&
         OrderSymbol()==_Symbol && 
         posType       = OrderType();
         posLots       = OrderLots();
         posTicket     = OrderTicket();
         posStopLoss   = OrderStopLoss();
         posTakeProfit = OrderTakeProfit();

Your function only counts for the chart symbol.

If you want to call for other symbols you have to pass the name of the symbol as a parameter.

void UpdatePosition(string symbol)

   //extern int tradecount =0;

   posType   = OP_FLAT;
   posTicket = 0;
   posLots   = 0;
   int total = OrdersTotal();
     for(int pos=total-1; pos>=tradecont-1; pos--)
      if(OrderSelect(pos,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES) &&
         OrderSymbol()==symbol && 
         posType       = OrderType();
         posLots       = OrderLots();
         posTicket     = OrderTicket();
         posStopLoss   = OrderStopLoss();
         posTakeProfit = OrderTakeProfit();
It's still not right you can make it into a interger then it will return the number of open orders for each symbol separately. 
Documentation on MQL5: Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Named Constants / Predefined Macro Substitutions
Documentation on MQL5: Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Named Constants / Predefined Macro Substitutions
  • www.mql5.com
//| Expert initialization function                                   | //| Expert deinitialization function                                 | //| Expert tick function                                             | //| test1                                                            |...

I can not make it

I'm really denied about this, I just can't

I know that it is not obvious, but topics concerning MT4 and MQL4 have their own section.
In future please post in the correct section.
I will move your topic to the MQL4 and Metatrader 4 section.
Keith Watford:
I know that it is not obvious, but topics concerning MT4 and MQL4 have their own section.
In future please post in the correct section.
I will move your topic to the MQL4 and Metatrader 4 section.

I'm sorry it's the first time I post, thanks