Help with code, trades management trouble


hello , first of all sorry for my english if i say something wrong.

I have this trobule with this code where it suppose to move to BE after 20 pips profit (it does) and then after being in BE do a trailing stop with 50 pips. The problem appears after being moved to BE, the EA as i see tries to do the trailing but moves to BE point again (see attachments), and of course it does it like a lot of times within a second, because tick by tick it is like the EA understand it has to move the stop 50 pips away from price but then comes back to BE point. Its like something in the code is having a conflict. Im very frustated bacause of that :(.

If you find a solution thank you so much. 

#include <stdlib.mqh>
#include <stderror.mqh>

extern int FastEma = 24;
extern int SlowSma = 72;
extern int EntryRsiPeriod = 10;
extern double SL_Pips = 20;
extern double Distance_Value = 50;
extern double Trail_Pips = 50;
extern double Trail_Step = 1;
int LotDigits; //initialized in OnInit
int MagicNumber = 1578179;
extern int TOD_From_Hour = 09; //time of the day (from hour)
int TOD_From_Min = 00; //time of the day (from min)
extern int TOD_To_Hour = 18; //time of the day (to hour)
int TOD_To_Min = 00; //time of the day (to min)
extern double MM_Percent = 0.1;
int MaxSlippage = 3; //adjusted in OnInit
bool crossed[2]; //initialized to true, used in function Cross
extern int MaxOpenTrades = 100;
extern int MaxLongTrades = 50;
extern int MaxShortTrades = 50;
int MaxPendingOrders = 1000;
int MaxLongPendingOrders = 1000;
int MaxShortPendingOrders = 1000;
extern bool Hedging = true;
int OrderRetry = 5; //# of retries if sending order returns error
int OrderWait = 5; //# of seconds to wait if sending order returns error
double myPoint; //initialized in OnInit

bool inTimeInterval(datetime t, int From_Hour, int From_Min, int To_Hour, int To_Min)
   string TOD = TimeToString(t, TIME_MINUTES);
   string TOD_From = StringFormat("%02d", From_Hour)+":"+StringFormat("%02d", From_Min);
   string TOD_To = StringFormat("%02d", To_Hour)+":"+StringFormat("%02d", To_Min);
   return((StringCompare(TOD, TOD_From) >= 0 && StringCompare(TOD, TOD_To) <= 0)
     || (StringCompare(TOD_From, TOD_To) > 0
       && ((StringCompare(TOD, TOD_From) >= 0 && StringCompare(TOD, "23:59") <= 0)
         || (StringCompare(TOD, "00:00") >= 0 && StringCompare(TOD, TOD_To) <= 0))));

double MM_Size(double SL) //Risk % per trade, SL = relative Stop Loss to calculate risk
   double MaxLot = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MAXLOT);
   double MinLot = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT);
   double tickvalue = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_TICKVALUE);
   double ticksize = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_TICKSIZE);
   double lots = MM_Percent * 1.0 / 100 * AccountBalance() / (SL / ticksize * tickvalue);
   if(lots > MaxLot) lots = MaxLot;
   if(lots < MinLot) lots = MinLot;

double MM_Size_BO() //Risk % per trade for Binary Options
   double MaxLot = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MAXLOT);
   double MinLot = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT);
   double tickvalue = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_TICKVALUE);
   double ticksize = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_TICKSIZE);
   return(MM_Percent * 1.0 / 100 * AccountBalance());

bool Cross(int i, bool condition) //returns true if "condition" is true and was false in the previous call
   bool ret = condition && !crossed[i];
   crossed[i] = condition;

void myAlert(string type, string message)
   if(type == "print")
   else if(type == "error")
   else if(type == "order")
   else if(type == "modify")

int TradesCount(int type) //returns # of open trades for order type, current symbol and magic number
   int result = 0;
   int total = OrdersTotal();
   for(int i = 0; i < total; i++)
      if(OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES) == false) continue;
      if(OrderMagicNumber() != MagicNumber || OrderSymbol() != Symbol() || OrderType() != type) continue;

double LastTradePrice(int direction)
   double result = 0;
   for(int i = OrdersTotal()-1; i >= 0; i--)
      if(!OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES)) continue;
      if(OrderType() > 1) continue;
      if((direction < 0 && OrderType() == OP_BUY) || (direction > 0 && OrderType() == OP_SELL)) continue;
      if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumber)
         result = OrderOpenPrice();

int myOrderSend(int type, double price, double volume, string ordername) //send order, return ticket ("price" is irrelevant for market orders)
   if(!IsTradeAllowed()) return(-1);
   int ticket = -1;
   int retries = 0;
   int err = 0;
   int long_trades = TradesCount(OP_BUY);
   int short_trades = TradesCount(OP_SELL);
   int long_pending = TradesCount(OP_BUYLIMIT) + TradesCount(OP_BUYSTOP);
   int short_pending = TradesCount(OP_SELLLIMIT) + TradesCount(OP_SELLSTOP);
   string ordername_ = ordername;
   if(ordername != "")
      ordername_ = "("+ordername+")";
   //test Hedging
   if(!Hedging && ((type % 2 == 0 && short_trades + short_pending > 0) || (type % 2 == 1 && long_trades + long_pending > 0)))
      myAlert("print", "Order"+ordername_+" not sent, hedging not allowed");
   //test maximum trades
   if((type % 2 == 0 && long_trades >= MaxLongTrades)
   || (type % 2 == 1 && short_trades >= MaxShortTrades)
   || (long_trades + short_trades >= MaxOpenTrades)
   || (type > 1 && type % 2 == 0 && long_pending >= MaxLongPendingOrders)
   || (type > 1 && type % 2 == 1 && short_pending >= MaxShortPendingOrders)
   || (type > 1 && long_pending + short_pending >= MaxPendingOrders)
      myAlert("print", "Order"+ordername_+" not sent, maximum reached");
   //prepare to send order
   while(IsTradeContextBusy()) Sleep(100);
   if(type == OP_BUY)
      price = Ask;
   else if(type == OP_SELL)
      price = Bid;
   else if(price < 0) //invalid price for pending order
      myAlert("order", "Order"+ordername_+" not sent, invalid price for pending order");
   int clr = (type % 2 == 1) ? clrRed : clrBlue;
   while(ticket < 0 && retries < OrderRetry+1)
      ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(), type, NormalizeDouble(volume, LotDigits), NormalizeDouble(price, Digits()), MaxSlippage, 0, 0, ordername, MagicNumber, 0, clr);
      if(ticket < 0)
         err = GetLastError();
         myAlert("print", "OrderSend"+ordername_+" error #"+IntegerToString(err)+" "+ErrorDescription(err));
   if(ticket < 0)
      myAlert("error", "OrderSend"+ordername_+" failed "+IntegerToString(OrderRetry+1)+" times; error #"+IntegerToString(err)+" "+ErrorDescription(err));
   string typestr[6] = {"Buy", "Sell", "Buy Limit", "Sell Limit", "Buy Stop", "Sell Stop"};
   myAlert("order", "Order sent"+ordername_+": "+typestr[type]+" "+Symbol()+" Magic #"+IntegerToString(MagicNumber));

int myOrderModify(int ticket, double SL, double TP) //modify SL and TP (absolute price), zero targets do not modify
   if(!IsTradeAllowed()) return(-1);
   bool success = false;
   int retries = 0;
   int err = 0;
   SL = NormalizeDouble(SL, Digits());
   TP = NormalizeDouble(TP, Digits());
   if(SL < 0) SL = 0;
   if(TP < 0) TP = 0;
   //prepare to select order
   while(IsTradeContextBusy()) Sleep(100);
   if(!OrderSelect(ticket, SELECT_BY_TICKET, MODE_TRADES))
      err = GetLastError();
      myAlert("error", "OrderSelect failed; error #"+IntegerToString(err)+" "+ErrorDescription(err));
   //prepare to modify order
   while(IsTradeContextBusy()) Sleep(100);
   if(CompareDoubles(SL, 0)) SL = OrderStopLoss(); //not to modify
   if(CompareDoubles(TP, 0)) TP = OrderTakeProfit(); //not to modify
   if(CompareDoubles(SL, OrderStopLoss()) && CompareDoubles(TP, OrderTakeProfit())) return(0); //nothing to do
   while(!success && retries < OrderRetry+1)
      success = OrderModify(ticket, NormalizeDouble(OrderOpenPrice(), Digits()), NormalizeDouble(SL, Digits()), NormalizeDouble(TP, Digits()), OrderExpiration(), CLR_NONE);
         err = GetLastError();
         myAlert("print", "OrderModify error #"+IntegerToString(err)+" "+ErrorDescription(err));
      myAlert("error", "OrderModify failed "+IntegerToString(OrderRetry+1)+" times; error #"+IntegerToString(err)+" "+ErrorDescription(err));
   string alertstr = "Order modified: ticket="+IntegerToString(ticket);
   if(!CompareDoubles(SL, 0)) alertstr = alertstr+" SL="+DoubleToString(SL);
   if(!CompareDoubles(TP, 0)) alertstr = alertstr+" TP="+DoubleToString(TP);
   myAlert("modify", alertstr);

int myOrderModifyRel(int ticket, double SL, double TP) //modify SL and TP (relative to open price), zero targets do not modify
   if(!IsTradeAllowed()) return(-1);
   bool success = false;
   int retries = 0;
   int err = 0;
   SL = NormalizeDouble(SL, Digits());
   TP = NormalizeDouble(TP, Digits());
   if(SL < 0) SL = 0;
   if(TP < 0) TP = 0;
   //prepare to select order
   while(IsTradeContextBusy()) Sleep(100);
   if(!OrderSelect(ticket, SELECT_BY_TICKET, MODE_TRADES))
      err = GetLastError();
      myAlert("error", "OrderSelect failed; error #"+IntegerToString(err)+" "+ErrorDescription(err));
   //prepare to modify order
   while(IsTradeContextBusy()) Sleep(100);
   //convert relative to absolute
   if(OrderType() % 2 == 0) //buy
      if(NormalizeDouble(SL, Digits()) != 0)
         SL = OrderOpenPrice() - SL;
      if(NormalizeDouble(TP, Digits()) != 0)
         TP = OrderOpenPrice() + TP;
   else //sell
      if(NormalizeDouble(SL, Digits()) != 0)
         SL = OrderOpenPrice() + SL;
      if(NormalizeDouble(TP, Digits()) != 0)
         TP = OrderOpenPrice() - TP;
   if(CompareDoubles(SL, 0)) SL = OrderStopLoss(); //not to modify
   if(CompareDoubles(TP, 0)) TP = OrderTakeProfit(); //not to modify
   if(CompareDoubles(SL, OrderStopLoss()) && CompareDoubles(TP, OrderTakeProfit())) return(0); //nothing to do
   while(!success && retries < OrderRetry+1)
      success = OrderModify(ticket, NormalizeDouble(OrderOpenPrice(), Digits()), NormalizeDouble(SL, Digits()), NormalizeDouble(TP, Digits()), OrderExpiration(), CLR_NONE);
         err = GetLastError();
         myAlert("print", "OrderModify error #"+IntegerToString(err)+" "+ErrorDescription(err));
      myAlert("error", "OrderModify failed "+IntegerToString(OrderRetry+1)+" times; error #"+IntegerToString(err)+" "+ErrorDescription(err));
   string alertstr = "Order modified: ticket="+IntegerToString(ticket);
   if(!CompareDoubles(SL, 0)) alertstr = alertstr+" SL="+DoubleToString(SL);
   if(!CompareDoubles(TP, 0)) alertstr = alertstr+" TP="+DoubleToString(TP);
   myAlert("modify", alertstr);

void TrailingStopTrail(int type, double TS, double step, bool aboveBE, double aboveBEval) //set Stop Loss to "TS" if price is going your way with "step"
   int total = OrdersTotal();
   TS = NormalizeDouble(TS, Digits());
   step = NormalizeDouble(step, Digits());
   for(int i = total-1; i >= 0; i--)
      while(IsTradeContextBusy()) Sleep(100);
      if(!OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES)) continue;
      if(OrderMagicNumber() != MagicNumber || OrderSymbol() != Symbol() || OrderType() != type) continue;
      if(type == OP_BUY && (!aboveBE || Bid > OrderOpenPrice() + TS + aboveBEval) && (NormalizeDouble(OrderStopLoss(), Digits()) <= 0 || Bid > OrderStopLoss() + TS + step))
         myOrderModify(OrderTicket(), Bid - TS, 0);
      else if(type == OP_SELL && (!aboveBE || Ask < OrderOpenPrice() - TS - aboveBEval) && (NormalizeDouble(OrderStopLoss(), Digits()) <= 0 || Ask < OrderStopLoss() - TS - step))
         myOrderModify(OrderTicket(), Ask + TS, 0);

      if(type == OP_BUY && Bid > OrderOpenPrice() + 20*myPoint && (NormalizeDouble(OrderStopLoss(), Digits()) <= 0 || OrderOpenPrice() > OrderStopLoss()))
         myOrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), 0);
      else if(type == OP_SELL && Ask < OrderOpenPrice() - 20*myPoint && (NormalizeDouble(OrderStopLoss(), Digits()) <= 0 || OrderOpenPrice() < OrderStopLoss()))
         myOrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), 0);

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
   //initialize myPoint
   myPoint = Point();
   if(Digits() == 5 || Digits() == 3)
      myPoint *= 10;
      MaxSlippage *= 10;
   //initialize LotDigits
   double LotStep = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_LOTSTEP);
   if(LotStep >= 1) LotDigits = 0;
   else if(LotStep >= 0.1) LotDigits = 1;
   else if(LotStep >= 0.01) LotDigits = 2;
   else LotDigits = 3;
   int i;
   //initialize crossed
   for (i = 0; i < ArraySize(crossed); i++)
      crossed[i] = true;

//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)

//| Expert tick function                                             |
void OnTick()
   int ticket = -1;
   double price;   
   double TradeSize;
   double SL;
   TrailingStopTrail(OP_BUY, Trail_Pips * myPoint, Trail_Step * myPoint, false, 0); //Trailing Stop = trail
   TrailingStopTrail(OP_SELL, Trail_Pips * myPoint, Trail_Step * myPoint, false, 0); //Trailing Stop = trail
   //Open Buy Order, instant signal is tested first
   if(Cross(0, iRSI(NULL, PERIOD_M1, EntryRsiPeriod, PRICE_CLOSE, 0) > 50) //Relative Strength Index crosses above fixed value
   && iMA(NULL, PERIOD_H1, FastEma, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 0) > iMA(NULL, PERIOD_H1, SlowSma, 0, MODE_SMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 0) //Moving Average > Moving Average
   && Bid > LastTradePrice(0) + Distance_Value * myPoint //Price > Last Open Trade Price + fixed value
      price = Ask;
      SL = SL_Pips * myPoint; //Stop Loss = value in points (relative to price)
      TradeSize = MM_Size(SL);
      if(!inTimeInterval(TimeCurrent(), TOD_From_Hour, TOD_From_Min, TOD_To_Hour, TOD_To_Min)) return; //open trades only at specific times of the day   
         ticket = myOrderSend(OP_BUY, price, TradeSize, "");
         if(ticket <= 0) return;
      else //not autotrading => only send alert
         myAlert("order", "");
      myOrderModifyRel(ticket, SL, 0);
   //Open Sell Order, instant signal is tested first
   if(Cross(1, iRSI(NULL, PERIOD_M1, EntryRsiPeriod, PRICE_CLOSE, 0) < 50) //Relative Strength Index crosses below fixed value
   && iMA(NULL, PERIOD_H1, FastEma, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 0) < iMA(NULL, PERIOD_H1, SlowSma, 0, MODE_SMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 0) //Moving Average < Moving Average
   && Bid < LastTradePrice(0) - Distance_Value * myPoint //Price < Last Open Trade Price - fixed value
      price = Bid;
      SL = SL_Pips * myPoint; //Stop Loss = value in points (relative to price)
      TradeSize = MM_Size(SL);
      if(!inTimeInterval(TimeCurrent(), TOD_From_Hour, TOD_From_Min, TOD_To_Hour, TOD_To_Min)) return; //open trades only at specific times of the day   
         ticket = myOrderSend(OP_SELL, price, TradeSize, "");
         if(ticket <= 0) return;
      else //not autotrading => only send alert
         myAlert("order", "");
      myOrderModifyRel(ticket, SL, 0);

One way to solve the problem yourself is starting the debugger and placing breakpoints right before the trailing starts in your code. It's one of the best ways to improve one's skills!
Beside that have you tried to find a solution that already here exists and is published?

Search for "Trailing a position" you'll find many articles, free code in the CodeBase and in the Forum - a lot to find working solutions of the others here!

It's faster than re-inventing the wheel. :)

Carl Schreiber:

One way to solve the problem yourself is starting the debugger and placing breakpoints right before the trailing starts in your code. It's one of the best ways to improve one's skills!
Beside that have you tried to find a solution that already here exists and is published?

Search for "Trailing a position" you'll find many articles, free code in the CodeBase and in the Forum - a lot to find working solutions of the others here!

It's faster than re-inventing the wheel. :)

the truth is that I have no idea of mql coding :(

i have bought a software EAs builder, its really good and I didn't have any problems with it before.. this issue had appeared the first time when I tried with this parameters.. basically it allows multiple orders but as I said it tries to do the trailing stops several times without success. Already talked to support to get an answer and they already tried to help me with no success either, I was hoping someone with more experience would help me with this little problem, because the rest of parameters are working good.. Anyway thank you for your answer :) 


Do not double post!

I have deleted your duplicate topic!