MQL5 Standard Library Unit test failed --on Ver 2542,2543 ALGLIB -- Numerical Analysis Library


 Unit test script files  

---Fuzzy Pass

---Generic Pass

---Stat  pass  

---ALGLIB Failed 

------------ TestClasses       -pass, Live update /same with  en/code/1146 

------------ TestInterfaces  -failed Live Update /same with  en/code/1146

------------ UseAlglib -failed from   en/code/1146 only

2020.07.24 14:30:54.151 TestInterfaces_FFT (EURUSD,M5) CAp::Assert CFastFourierTransform::FFTC1D: A contains infinite or NAN values!

2020.07.24 14:32:05.930 UseAlglib (EURUSD,M5) Error calculating the linear regression coefficients: -1

No Matter use ALGLIB from or use  ALGLIB from Ver2542,Ver2543 --(difference in bitconvert, arrayresize)

Test Env :

OS: Win10 64x

CPU: Ryzen5 3500U

ALGLIB - Numerical Analysis Library
ALGLIB - Numerical Analysis Library
Do you need to make a fast Fourier transform or to solve a differential equation system? Do you perform a complex data analysis trying to gather all methods in one place as a source code? Then ALGLIB library of numerical methods is for you! ALGLIB is currently one of the best libraries of the multi-language algorithms. Below are ALGLIB features...