Indices Technical Analysis - page 3


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Press review

mazennafee, 2014.07.29 13:58

Philips Electronics ST: the downside prevails

 24.25 is our pivot point.

Our preference: As long as 24.25 is not broken up, we favour a down move with 22.1 and then 20.25 as next targets.

Alternative scenario: Only the upside breakout of 24.25 will invalidate our bearish scenario. In this case, a recovery should shape towards 25.85 at first, and then 28.25.

Comment: Daily indicators are mixed.

Trend: ST decline; MT range.

Supports and resistances:
28.25 ***
25.85 **
24.25 ***
23.555 Last
22.1 **
20.25 ***
19.6 *



Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Press review

mazennafee, 2014.07.29 14:00

Hongkong Land Holdings ST: under pressure.

 Pivot: 6.92

Our preference: Short positions below 6.92 with targets @ 6.44 & 6.23 in extension.

Alternative scenario: Above 6.92 look for further upside with 7.19 & 7.4 as targets.

Comment: The RSI is bearish and calls for further decline.

Supports and resistances:
6.68 Last



Cac 40‏ (NYSE Liffe)‏ (Q4) 

Daily chart

Bullish Divergence (ADX)



Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Press review

mazennafee, 2014.07.29 14:07

Saipem ST: caution

 18 is our pivot point.

Our preference: As long as 18 is not broken down, we favour an upmove with 20.95 and then 23 as next targets.

Alternative scenario: below 18 expect a drop to 16.5 and 14.81.

Comment: The daily technical indicators are mixed and are calling for caution. 

Trend: ST rise; MT range.

Supports and resistances:
24.75 **
23 **
20.95 **
18.4700 Last
18 ***
16.5 **
14.81 **



Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Press review

mazennafee, 2014.07.29 14:09

Telecom Italia ST: the upside prevails

 0.78 is our pivot point.

Our preference: As long as 0.78 is not broken down, we favour an upmove with 1.01 and then 1.1 as next targets.

Alternative scenario: below 0.78 expect a drop to 0.66 and 0.56.

Comment: The daily technical indicators are bearish but are close to supports.

Trend: ST rise; MT range.

Supports and resistances:
1.15 *
1.1 ***
1.01 **
0.8935 Last
0.78 ***
0.66 ***
0.56 **



Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Press review

mazennafee, 2014.07.29 14:11

Anglo American ST: the upside prevails

 1415 is our pivot point.

Our preference: As long as 1415 is not broken down, we favour an upmove with 1675 and then 1745 as next targets.

Alternative scenario: below 1415 expect a drop to 1375 and 1318.

Comment: The daily technical indicators are bullish and call for a rise towards 1745 in the medium term. 

Trend: ST rise; MT range.

Supports and resistances:
1830 **
1745 ***
1675 **
1646.9999 Last
1415 **
1375 **
1318 **



Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Press review

mazennafee, 2014.07.29 14:12

Daimler ST: under pressure

 Our pivot point stands at 68.

Our preference: As long as 68 is support, we are bullish. In this case, the upside breakout of 68 will trigger a bullish acceleration towards 71.5.

Alternative scenario: below 68, expect 58 and 48.8 in extension

Comment: The daily technical indicators are reversing down and are advocating for a consolidation.

Trend: ST decline; MT range.

Supports and resistances:
75 **
71.5 ***
68 **
62.91 Last
60.9 ***
58 **
48.8 **



Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Press review

mazennafee, 2014.07.29 14:14

BMW ST: the upside prevails

 85.8 is our pivot point.

Our preference: As long as 85.8 is not broken down, we favour an upmove with 96.1 and then 100 as next targets.

Alternative scenario: below 85.8 expect a drop to 82.75 and 78.1.

Comment: Even though a continuation of the consolidation cannot be ruled out, its extent should be limited.

Trend: ST rise; MT bullish.

Supports and resistances:
104 ***
100 **
96.1 **
92.43 Last
85.8 **
82.75 **
78.1 **



Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Press review

mazennafee, 2014.07.29 14:15

AstraZeneca ST: short term consolidation in place

 Our pivot point stands at 3960.

Our preference: As long as 3960 is not broken down, we favour an upmove with 4900 and then 5080 as next targets.

Alternative scenario: a downside breakout of 3960 would open the way to 3720 and then to 3550.

Comment: Even though a continuation of the consolidation cannot be ruled out, its extent should be limited.

Trend: ST consolidation; MT bullish.

Supports and resistances:
5300 **
5080 **
4900 ***
4367.00 Last
3960 ***
3720 **
3550 **



Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Press review

mazennafee, 2014.07.29 14:17

Genfit ST: the RSI is overbought

 Our pivot point is at 28.8.

Our preference: the upside prevails as long as 28.8 is support.

Alternative scenario: below 28.8, expect 25.5 and 23.6.

Comment: the RSI is above 70. It could mean either that the stock is in a lasting uptrend or just overbought and therefore bound to correct (look for bearish divergence in this case). The MACD is positive and above its signal line. The configuration is positive. Moreover, the stock is above its 20 and 50 day MA (respectively at 28.51 and 26.15).

Supports and resistances: 
41.8 **
39.8 *
37.9 **
31.9 last
28.8 **
25.5 *
23.6 **