How to access data window in EA

I'm new to MT4 coding. I have a couple of paid indicators which works best but, I can't stare at the screen for whole day. So I want to develop the EA for that. I don't have mql files for the indicators. I am a software developer so learning coding is not an issue. I'm stuck at getting the values of these indicators. I have heard about the iCustom() function but don't know how to use. There is one detailed guide here on the forum but for that I need variable names of the indicators that I can't get. So I am thinking of using the data window of the MT4 because indicators are saving all the values here. So anyone please let me know if this is possible or suggest me workaround if any.

You can't access the data window.

As you say, use iCustom().

You don't need any variable names to use iCustom(), I don't know where you got that impression.

I know that it is not obvious, but topics concerning MT4 and MQL4 have their own section.

In future please post in the correct section.

I will move your topic to the MQL4 and Metatrader 4 section.

Keith Watford:

You can't access the data window.

As you say, use iCustom().

You don't need any variable names to use iCustom(), I don't know where you got that impression.

I know that it is not obvious, but topics concerning MT4 and MQL4 have their own section.

In future please post in the correct section.

I will move your topic to the MQL4 and Metatrader 4 section.

Thank you for your reply. I will look into it and from now on, I will ask question on MQL4 forum.
Jadeja Rahulsinh:
Thank you for your reply. I will look into it and from now on, I will ask question on MQL4 forum.
Keith Watford:

I will move your topic to the MQL4 and Metatrader 4 section.

Topic moved.

Keith Watford:

Topic moved.

Can I found the value of buffer using the data window? Indicator is saving the data into buffer and I can see the value in the data window. I'm able to get value of one indicator using the iCustom but not able to fetch other's. There are two fields named Trend_reversal(60,5) and Value 2 in data window and the second indicator is saving the data into those variables. How can I use iCustom to get those values?

Documentation on MQL5: Technical Indicators / iCustom
Documentation on MQL5: Technical Indicators / iCustom
[in]  Custom indicator name. If the name starts with the reverse slash '\', the EX5 indicator file is searched for relative to the MQL5\Indicators indicator root directory. Thus, when calling FirstIndicator"...), the indicator is downloaded as MQL5\Indicators\FirstIndicator.ex5. If the path contains no file, the error 4802...
The 2 values in the data window are probably buffer index 0 and 1.
Keith Watford:
The 2 values in the data window are probably buffer index 0 and 1.
No, I tried that indexes but they are empty. There are also other fields in data value, around 13 which are used by other indicators.
Keith Watford:
The 2 values in the data window are probably buffer index 0 and 1.
Jadeja Rahulsinh:
No, I tried that indexes but they are empty. 

If that's the case find which buffers they are by trial and error.


if you share your indicator someone can find the buffer values 

otherwise we can only guess


Hi Jadeja Rahulsinh,

I was looking for a way to do exactly same thing that you - Get exposed data from 'data Window' beyond programming, and I ended up finding your thread. I'm also a systems developer - focused in financial projects.

The unique diference is that I want to get this data, to send to another client outside of Metatrader, that awaits and will interpret the signal to Buy the order on automatization Process.

The middleware that I'm using is another indicator that I build, and runs a "Socket Server" in the metatrader, to delivery the texts datas to be processing by the destinary (on "Socket Client") - Let's agree that staying all day on top of a screen is not possible :)

Until now I could'nt get some way to do this. If I get It, I post here. My start point will be the iCustom function to get the Indicator handler. 

If You have has some news, please let us know. best regards