MQL5 Ban

I have been looking at some forums on cases relating to Developers being banned after violating some rules.
I believe that if a person has taken there time to learn Metaquotes Language it means they are serious on working on this plartform. However they may make mistakes while they are still beginners in developing. My focus mainly is on mistakes done unintentionally. 
My suggestion is as follows. 

-MQL5 to atlist warn a Developer atlist 2 times or 3 times at most in cases of serious offense. If the Developer goes against the warning thats when they should be banned. Here, the Developer will not have any excuse whatsoever . 

-In cases where a Developer may have a applied to a job that involves modifying a file without knowing if its corrupted, MQL5 should delete the whole application and alert the developer. 
This will make Metaquotes a better place for all parties.

You can comment if you have healthy suggestions. 