Size of Lot


Hi have been advised to try and get an answer on the forum. I started trading with 1K. I have a signal provider who has leverage of 1:500.

I am in the UK so my leverage is 1:30. When he provides a signal it automatically trades for me at 0.01 lot size. I am using 95% deposit setting

To increase my lot size I increased my account to 10K now my lot size remains the same at 0.01 . Is this correct as I am told that it should increase 10 fold

as my balance has increased 10 fold. I have spoken with the signal provider who says I should speak to the support desk but the info there is I should go to the Forum ?


Look at this thread:  
(and you can calculate your lot size by using the example on the post #5).
signal provider has minimal volume 0.01, subscriber has 0.10 - how to change minimal volume ????
signal provider has minimal volume 0.01, subscriber has 0.10 - how to change minimal volume ????
  • 2013.04.18
In my journal, when i'm using VIACHI signal , i get this : 2013.04...