Windows server update and EA licence

Hello, i want ask, i have many mt4 and mt5 on windows server 2016, if i wll update windows, will my licence same, or must i use new one on ea and indicators? because few people tell me they update windows home on their pc and then they must use licence, so how with windows server? thanks
Boris Sedlar:
Hello, i want ask, i have many mt4 and mt5 on windows server 2016, if i wll update windows, will my licence same, or must i use new one on ea and indicators? because few people tell me they update windows home on their pc and then they must use licence, so how with windows server? thanks

MQL5 Market purchases activations are bound to each computer and not to terminals, so for the windows update of your server you will need 1 activation for installing every MQL5 Market purchase again, regardless of the number of terminals, installed in that server.

this i know, as i wrote i have many mt4 and use 1 licence only. but i ask what happend when i update windows, because some people after update windows must use new licence 
Boris Sedlar:
this i know, as i wrote i have many mt4 and use 1 licence only. but i ask what happend when i update windows, because some people after update windows must use new licence 

Yes if you update your windows version, you will need an extra activation for installing your MQL5 purchases again on the same computer.

whn bound computer, why update disable licence and must use new one. licence is on hw pc or licence windows no? and on update it not change
Boris Sedlar:
whn bound computer, why update disable licence and must use new one. licence is on hw pc or licence windows no? and on update it not change

This is how MQL5 Market activations work, you can read about it under Market rules here:

Boris Sedlar:
whn bound computer, why update disable licence and must use new one. licence is on hw pc or licence windows no? and on update it not change
They are doing it at once ... for everybody at the the time.
ok than kyou