Weird price bug on MT4


Hi! This weird thing keeps happening to me while trading and I cant get rid of it. It displays the candles totally wrong, today I logged in a demo account just to show you this. Maybe one of you went through this on your mt4 account and can help me.

So basically, look  at my profit in the bottom right corner and look at where my pointer is dragging the SL. The candle should be where my pointer is, but its often kinda out of sync. Hoping you guys can help me with this.


THANK YOU SO MUCH DUDE. I've been trying to figure this out for 2 days by now. Thank you again , good sir!

Wait, it still doesn't work, it seemed to work at first but the desync sometimes still happens. Why is this happening?
William Roeder: Turn off the chart shift?
And turn on the autoscroll. autoscrollWhen in doubt, THINK. It is happing because of what YOU are doing.
William Roeder:
And turn on the autoscroll. When in doubt, THINK. It is happing because of what YOU are doing.

I tried that too, same thing happens. It's just that now it autoscrolls, it's still off by like 2$ (in profit, not in stock prices) at times. I'm pretty sure it doesn't have to do with that, and if it does, it barely does.

I'm not necessarly saying that it's MT4's fault, it might be mine, but i want to know why is this happening. I'm pretty new to trading, as I think you observed.

Savu Dan:

Do not double post!!!!!

I have deleted your duplicate topic.

Keith Watford:

Do not double post!!!!!

I have deleted your duplicate topic.

I did not, I tried this solution, and it didn't work. And now nobody can help me. I specifically said that I've tried this method and it didn't work. This post isn't gonna get more comments.
Savu Dan:
I did not, I tried this solution, and it didn't work. And now nobody can help me. I specifically said that I've tried this method and it didn't work. This post isn't gonna get more comments.

Your other topic was exactly the same as this one, that's why it was deleted.

You might try to be clearer about your problem.

You posted an image of a completely normal chart, so it is not possible to offer a solution when there isn't a problem.

Are you possibly confused because you have a sell trade open?

Sell trades are closed at Ask and the chart price is bid. So when checking the price look at the ask price in the top left corner of your posted chart or turn on the ask line.