c++ vector like array


Hi I'm working on a mql5 program and need arrays like std::vector of c++

for example in my c++ code i have something like this:

class Neuron;
typedef std::vector<Neuron> Layer;
class net{
std::vector<Layer> m_layers; //m_layers[layer_num][neuronum]

 how can i implement this in mql5 ? 


Hi I'm working on a mql5 program and need arrays like std::vector of c++

for example in my c++ code i have something like this:

 how can i implement this in mql5 ? 

Please take a look at this Article and also at the Documentation.

thanks for reply it helped but not completly.

the problem remains is that in vector as i represented in my example every dimension can have its own data type even class objects but here for a 2d array all dim's are same data type.?

any idea? 


thanks for reply it helped but not completly.

the problem remains is that in vector as i represented in my example every dimension can have its own data type even class objects but here for a 2d array all dim's are same data type.?

any idea? 

Your question is unclear. You can use a dynamic array in mql5, but only the first dimension can be dynamic.

How is it related to "data type" ?


Your question is unclear. You can use a dynamic array in mql5, but only the first dimension can be dynamic.

How is it related to "data type" ?

If you look at my code example of c++ and explain me how to do something like this in mql5 its my answer.(many thanks)
If you look at my code example of c++ and explain me how to do something like this in mql5 its my answer.(many thanks)
I already answer you : with a dynamic array.
class Neuron
double n1;

struct Layer{
 Neuron neurons[];

class net{
Layer m_layers[]; //m_layers[layer_num][neuronum]

double Get(int l, int n)

void Set(int l, int n, double val)

net * mynet;
//| Script program start function                                    |
void OnStart()
      mynet = new net();
Something similar to this... I think . Regards Uwe
Something similar to this... I think . Regards Uwe

thanks thats what exactly I looking for

and one more question : what performance comparition is in using c++ dll's instead of using fully mql5 EA's?


Regarding perfomance that is difficult to judge.

You could use GetTickCount to measure the running time of  a complex part of code.

As with most systems the input/output of data is limiting factor for the design.

Interesting read for multi tasking:


Regards  Uwe

Parallel Calculations in MetaTrader 5
Parallel Calculations in MetaTrader 5
  • 2011.03.02
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I landed on this thread late in the game, so I am sure this has been resolved.

The OP did say "like std::vector of c++," so the answers were correct.

But for posterity, this article describes when a linked list (e.g. CList) might be a better choice than a dynamic array (CDynamicArray).


Anthony Garot:

I landed on this thread late in the game, so I am sure this has been resolved.

The OP did say "like std::vector of c++," so the answers were correct.

But for posterity, this article describes when a linked list (e.g. CList) might be a better choice than a dynamic array (CDynamicArray).


This is a good article and is why I have found CArrayObj to be much more efficient than CList in most cases as . This is how I use it.

objvector<MyClass*> my_class_vector;
objvector.mqh  1 kb