Is there MT4 technical support? - page 3

I just got back to using mt4 after being off it for awhile and now that I'm using it again I can't find all the forex pairs on metatrader 4. I search them and they won't show up like they are not even available at all. Like GBPAUD, GBPJPY, GBPNZD. Can you pls help me get those back and make available again. Thanks
gaylon raney #:
I just got back to using mt4 after being off it for awhile and now that I'm using it again I can't find all the forex pairs on metatrader 4. I search them and they won't show up like they are not even available at all. Like GBPAUD, GBPJPY, GBPNZD. Can you pls help me get those back and make available again. Thanks
The pairs/symbols, the charts and the time of the price on the charts - all of them are related to the brokers only.
So, you can find MT4 broker who are proposing this pairs to trade.

Alternatively, you can look at the pairs which are hidden and accept them, for example:
right mouse click on any space of Market Watch - Symbols - and select the symbol/pair to Show.
Comments that do not relate to this topic, have been moved to "MAC".
My mt4 is now taking up a LOT of disk space, more than it used to, several GBs. Most of that is in these folders - 
- a listing of all the different pairs. They appear to be a "history" of those pairs I guess.
Why are those needed? Are they necessary? What would happen if I deleted them? Will it adversely affect the trading platform?
rdwear #:
My mt4 is now taking up a LOT of disk space, more than it used to, several GBs. Most of that is in these folders - 
- a listing of all the different pairs. They appear to be a "history" of those pairs I guess.
Why are those needed? Are they necessary? What would happen if I deleted them? Will it adversely affect the trading platform?

Don't double post please. I have removed your other posts.

If you need the data don't delete them, if you don't need them you can delete. Seems obvious unless I missed something ?

Can you please help  my MT4 does not show the charts, I can only see the qoutes and trades.

Thanks in advance

@31141455 #Can you please help  my MT4 does not show the charts, I can only see the qoutes and trades.

If you need help, then please provide more information (e.g. screenshots, output of Journal log, etc.).



I have downloaded the indicator but it is not working properly.  I can not find out why.  Is there anyone who can help me out?  I can pay for it no problem.   




I have downloaded the indicator but it is not working properly.  I can not find out why.  Is there anyone who can help me out?  I can pay for it no problem.   


You can start by contacting the author/seller.

Have you read any instructions or documentation that is may be available?

I am trying to place an order in my live account but when I go to the new order the buy/sell box is empty and I cannot do anything. Does anyone on how to fix this?